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Q: From the nose air passes through the which is the area behind the nose that leads to the throat?
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What is pharynx and larynx?

The pharynx is the part of your throat that connects your inner nose to your throat. It is the part of your throat at the back of your mouth. Just below that is the larynx, which contains your vocal cords. Below the larynx is your trachea which leads down into you left and right bronchi which are connected to your lungs.

What is the answer to a tube that leads out of the bladder and carries urine out of the body?

This is called the urethra. It passes through the penis in males and is joined by the outlets from the testes, but it has its own separate opening in females.

Where is the esaphagus located?

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section ( indicated below. Scroll down about a quarter of the page and you will see a drawing depicting the location of the esophagus.between the windpipe (trachea) & the spine

Where does the auditory tube leads to?

In humans, the eustachian tube connects the middle ear to a section of the throat known as the pharynx. These tubes are normally closed, but they can open to allow middle ear pressure to reach equilibrium with atmospheric pressure (think of the pops you hear when you drive up a mountain or go up in a plane). They also serve to drain mucus from the middle ear.

Is there a difference between the throat and the pharynx?

the throat is the whole structure that involves the pharynx and the larynx and lies at the front of the neck . So, it refers to the entire respiratory passage. the upper part of the throat is the larynx that contains the vocal cords. The space between the vocal cords is called the glottis and the folding that covers this space while swallowing is called the epiglottis. As for the pharynx, is the part of the throat that leads to the esophagus and the trachea. the trachea ( the windpipe) is the tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs.

Related questions

Which respiratory system part is behind the nose that leads to the throat?

the glottishpeil :) hope this helped!

What is function of the Glottis opening of a frog?

When studying animals it is important to know their individual anatomy. The glottis in a frog is located at the back of the throat. It is what helps to inflate the lungs with air.In the mouth

What is pharynx and larynx?

The pharynx is the part of your throat that connects your inner nose to your throat. It is the part of your throat at the back of your mouth. Just below that is the larynx, which contains your vocal cords. Below the larynx is your trachea which leads down into you left and right bronchi which are connected to your lungs.

What is the answer to a tube that leads out of the bladder and carries urine out of the body?

This is called the urethra. It passes through the penis in males and is joined by the outlets from the testes, but it has its own separate opening in females.

Where is the esaphagus located?

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section ( indicated below. Scroll down about a quarter of the page and you will see a drawing depicting the location of the esophagus.between the windpipe (trachea) & the spine

What path from the throat leads to the lungs?

The 'Bronchus' or 'Bronchial Tube'.

Where does a frog's glottis lead?

It leads to the frogs the lungsThe glottis is tube-like structure in the frog's throat that leads to the larynx and then the trachea. It eventually leads to the lungs.

Where does your nose and mouth lead to?

It leads to your throat then down to the esophagus. Finally, your stomach.

What are some cons about smoking?

Messing up your lungs, throat cancer (leads to a hole in your throat, fun huh?), all I can think of at the moment.

What is the function of oesophagua?

You mean the ESOPHAGUS. It is the muscular tube that leads down from the throat to the stomach, through which chewed food passes to be chemically dissolved in the stomach. Technically, it begins just below the area where the larynx is located, and ends at the Cardiac Sphincter. It assists the passage of food down to the stomach by a process called peristalsis, by which rings of muscle squeeze the chewed food downwards.

What is the thing that leads to the throat?

If your looking down inside your mouth its probably the tonsil, and then there is the esophagus

What is the cancer you can get in your throat?

Cancer that occurs in the throat is known as throat cancer. Throat cancer can develop in different areas of the throat, which is a tube-like structure that starts behind the nose and leads to the opening of the esophagus and windpipe.