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the letter K developed from the cupped hand

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Q: From what Egyptian symbol did the letter K develop?
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Related questions

How did the letter K develop in the Egyptian alphabet?

It didn't. The letter K was first used in the Greek alphabet.

What is a symbol that represents a speech sound and is a unit of the alphabet starting with the letter k?

That would be the letter k.

What does 'k' stand for in the periodic table?

'K' in the periodic table is the symbol for potassium . Its Latin name being 'Kalium' , hence the symbol 'K'. NB. One letter elemental symbols are ALWAYS a CAPITAL letter. NOT small case 'k'. Two letter elemental symbols have first letter a capital letter and the second letter as lower/small case. e.g. 'Na' Sodium (Nadium).

What are some Egyptian words that begin with the letter K?

· Kirdasah is a city in Egypt

Why do celsius and Fahrenheit have degree symbol while kelvin has no?

Kelvin uses the letter K as its symbol.

What does the letter k symbolize?

Potassium (the chemical element with the symbol K from Kalium) Also "thousand", from the word kilo.

What is a two letter word that begins with K?

KA it's something to do with Egyptian spiritual self .

What is the symbol for potasssium?

The Atomic Symbol for Potassium is K

A symbol usally a letter that represents one or more numbers?

k= 1000, C = 100.

What is symbol of pottasium?

The symbol for potassium is 'K'. The 'K' comes from the Latin for potassium , which is 'Kalium'.

What do they have in Egyptian palace?


Is there an Egyptian god or goddess that starts with the letter C?

Not that anyone has found, but there are gods and goddesses with "k" which can be mistaken for a "c" sound.