

From where did the Romans get most of their mythology?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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The Greeks. They worshipped the same gods but under different names. the roman god were more warlike and about respect.

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Q: From where did the Romans get most of their mythology?
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The Greeks did not really have anything to do with it. What happened was that the Romans fell in love with Greek culture and incorporated it. Same the thing with the Greek mythology. The Romans just took it and adapted it to the gods they already had.

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Well, the Romans didn't so much as make it, as they did help grow it. You see, mythology is like language, it has no creator but millions of contributors These contributors make the myths grew and change into many wonderful things. The Romans Mythology partly grew from Greek Mythology, as well its own homegrown tales. Eventually, the homegrown became inseparable from the Greek myths, until one great large Mythology rich in stories, depth, and history was to be the cultural legacy of the Romans.

Which god kept the same name when adopted from greek mythology by the Romans?

.. Apollo

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Both the Romans and Greeks started mythology. This came about because they were trying to explain how the universe came into existance.

What was the source of Roman mythology an what impact did it have on later civilizations?

the Romans basically took greek mythology and changed names such as Aphrodite to Venus