

Function of stamen

Updated: 4/28/2022
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The ovary in the penis and vagina who menstrual cycle

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Q: Function of stamen
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To reporduece together

Function of the flowers stamen?

The stamen produce pollen grains called gametes, which are the male sex cells. Without stamen, flower reproduction would not be possible.

What is the function of the flower stamen?

it is a male part in the flower

What is the function of stamen of the flower?

it is a male part in the flower

What is the function of the steman?

The main function of the stem is to support the leaves, flowers, and fruits of a plant, and to transport water and nutrients between the roots and the rest of the plant. Stems also provide structural support for the plant and can help with the storage of food and water.

What is the function and parts of the stamen?

The stamen provides pollen grains and male gametes are released from pollen grains during pollen germination and fertilization

What is the function of the filament in a flower?

it holds up the anther. filament is part of the stamen by:princess tracy palevino

How does the stamen function in plant reproduction?

The stamen's anthers contain pollen, which fertilizes the ovary.

What is the function of a stamens?

the function of a stamen is to protect or cover up the pollen

What is the function of the stamen in a flower?

The stamen is the male reproductive part of the flower and it consists of the filament and the anther. The filament is a structure that attaches to the base of the flower and supports the anther. This structure produces pollen.

What is the function of the stamen in the plant?

The stamen produces pollen grains, which house the gametes (sex cells) necessary for reproduction. The anther is the location within the stamen where the gametes are manufactured/created. Pollen grains vary in shape, size and surface structures depending on the type of flower that produces them.

What is the function of a flowers filament?

it holds up the anther. filament is part of the stamen by:princess tracy palevino