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i think to make it smooth or to make it easy to be baked i think this is true we used to make it like this WE = family

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6y ago

The warm water makes the yeast (balm) to increase more rapidly. So improving the rate that the bread dough will rise.

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Q: What are the functions of warm water in bread dough?
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What are the functions of worm water in bread dough?

The warm water makes the yeast (balm) to increase more rapidly. So improving the rate that the bread dough will rise.

Why do you use warm water in bread making?

If the water is too hot, it kills the yeast. It stops working and therefore wouldn't make the bread rise. If the water was too cold, it wouldn't do anything to the bread. If you use warm water, however, then it gives enough energy to help the yeast work so that the bread can rise, making you're loaf.

When making yeast bread dough the bread rises What is this proscesss called?

When yeast dough rises, the process is called rising or leavening. The first phase of rising, when yeast is dissolved in warm water and sugar until it foams, is called proofing.

Why is bread dough left in a warm place before it is cooked?

To allow the dough to rise so you get a lighter, less dense end product.

How does temperature activate yeast?

Yeast, a relative of fungus organisms, is typically purchased in a dormant state; think hybernation. It is revived by being mixed into the warm moist environment of bread dough. Awakened, it digests the available sugar, which it converts into carbon dioxide, water and ethanol. The bubbles of carbon dioxide gas give the dough the desired spongy airy texture. Salt is used to slow the yeast's digestion, keeping the process from racing out of control; the amount of salt, amount of sugar, and the temperature must all be correct in order for the yeast to provide the desired result.

What is proving bread?

To 'prove' your bread means to allow the yeast time to work and raise the dough, to do this cover your dough with a damp tea towel and put it in a warm place for 30 to 40 mins.

How do you make bread with yeast raise?

You must dissolve the yeast in warm water then when you add it to the other ingredients to make your dough, you then put the dough in a big bowl and cover with a dry tea towel and wait for the dough to rise, normally for about an hour or so until the dough is double its size, then it is ready for baking. Hope this helps you :)

Why does bread rise when yeast is added?

Yeast is added to bread along with moisture and sugar, and the dough is kept in a moist, warm environment. During this rising time, the yeast consumes the sugar in the dough and release CO2 gas, which is trapped in the dough and causes the dough to rise. When the dough is baked, the yeast is killed, but the bubbles created by the gas remain.

How does warm water help the process of cooking bread?

The warm water would help to activate the yeast necessary for the bread to rise.

What are the four steps involved in kneading yeast bread?

1. turn the dough out on a very lightly floured surface. 2. with the heel of your hands, push down on the edge of the dough nearest you. 3. fold the dough in half toward you and give it a quarter turn. 4. continue pushing, folding, and turning for the time directed in the recipe.

What is bulk fermentation and how long does it take?

Bulk fermentation is a process in bread making. During the process of bulk fermentation the dough prepared for the bread is left in a warm temperature, due to which the bacteria in the yeast multiply and the dough rises to double.

Can you leave bread dough in the fridge and use it in the morning?

Yes, but you have to let it warm to room temperature and rise before baking.