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Q: Gas used by living things to turn food into energy?
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Is nitrogen a gas used by living things to turn food into energy?

No, oxygen is used to turn food or into energy

How do plants respire. Diagram?

because of the fact that all living things need oxygen to stay alive. they use oxygen to turn food into energy. to obtain energy... you find out

Why plants help to maintain the life of earth?

Plants do not just help, they are ESSENTIAL to life on Earth. All living things need energy to live (food). The source of the energy in food is Sunlight and the ONLY organisms on Earth that can trap this sunlight and turn it into food are Plants. Plants therefore form the base of the food chain for all living things on Earth.

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Explain the reasoning behind this statement The sun is ultimately the energy source for all living things?

All living things live on energy originally provided by the sun. Because plants use the sun in photosynthesis, to make energy and feed themselves. Then animals eat the plant and receive the energy. The carnivores in turn eat the herbivores to get their energy. While this statement is true for all living things you are likely to encounter, there is one exception: A few living things live on non-solar energy provided by black smoker vents at the bottom of the ocean.

How do plants and animals primarily use the oxygen to convert their food?

oxygen is primarily used by all living things to breakdown food to energy in a process called oxidation. We get this oxygen by respiration process. Apart from this plants use oxygen to make their food using sunlight in presence of Chlorophyll. Ad also by exhaling..

How do living things depend on photosynthesis?

Because if the plants have no way to feed form the photosynthesis then they will die making the food chain imblanance and without the energy the plants give us it"ll be a matter of time before we die aswell

When you eat food your body uses energy to turn the food into mechanical energy?


What do plants do with the energy?

The plants turn the energy into food that they can eat.

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How do non living environment affect living things?

The non living environment provides nutrition and protection for living things.