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The length of daylight becomes more extreme

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Q: Generally the farther away from the Equator one travels in Africa the?
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Which is closer to the equeter Africa or the US?

The equator crosses through Africa, but it doesn't touch any part of the US. But Africa is also more than three times the size of the US. There are places in the US that are farther from the equator than any place in Africa is, but most of Africa's Mediterranean coast is farther from the equator than maybe 40% of the US is. We'll let you construct the Venn diagram.

Is Africa south or north of the Equator?

Africa is both, but it is a little more north.Please check your nearest map. Africa is both North and South of the Equator. The equator runs through the middle of Africa.

Which continent is farther north North America or Africa?

North America is farther north than Africa.North America is further north than Africa. America is from latitude 22.79 to 71.30 = 48.51 in heightAfrica is from -34.83 to 37.34 = 72.17 in heightThere is an overlap of 14.55North America is. Africa is very equatorial while North America is all above the equator.

The equator is located north of Africa.?

No, the Equator goes right through the northern part of Africa

Are temperatures generally warmer in northern Europe or central Africa?

Central Africa is much nearer to the equator so it would have a warmer climate than northern Europe, which is closer to the Arctic.

Why do so few plants grow in north Africa?

There is no or little farming in much or north Africa along with southern Africa because of the climate. It's getting farther away from the equator and the climate starts to get colder.

Where can you find the northern hemisphere?

The northern hemisphere is located above the equator and includes parts of North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is characterized by colder climates in regions farther north and warmer climates in regions closer to the equator.

What continent is cut almost in the half by the equator?

The continent that is almost cut in half by the Equator is Africa.

Is Europe closer to the equator than North America?

Africa.Because the equator goes through it whereas it doesn't go through the US.I guess you'd have to say that Africa is 'closer', because the equator crosses Africa but it doesn't cross the US.But it feels like there's something bogus about the comparison ... Africa is also more than 3 times the size of the US.

Which is farther south South America or Africa?

South America is farther south than Africa.

Where is earths equator?

The equator goes though South Africa, Africa and new Guinea

Is South Africa south of the equator?

South Africa is south of the Equator.