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Q: George McGovern won 49 out of the 50 states in the 1972 Presidential election?
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Who only won two states in 1972 election?

Incumbent President Richard Nixon won reelection in the 1972 presidential election defeating George McGovern. In the 1972 presidential election Richard Nixon received 520 electoral votes and George McGovern received 17 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Nixon 47,169,911 and McGovern 29,170,383. McGovern won 14 electoral votes from Massachusetts and 3 electoral votes from District of Columbia.

How many states did Richard Nixon carry in 1972?

Incumbent President Richard Nixon won reelection in the 1972 presidential election defeating George McGovern. In the 1972 presidential election Richard Nixon received 520 electoral votes and George McGovern received 17 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Nixon 47,169,911 and McGovern 29,170,383.

What number election is the 2008 presidential election?

George Washington won the first presidential election in 1789. The 2008 presidential election was the 56th presidential election in the United States.

Election of george washintong?

The United States presidential election of 1789 was the first presidential election in the United States of America, and was the only one to not take place in an even numbered year.

What year was the first presidential election?

The first U.S. presidential election was in 1789. George Washington was elected as the first president of the United States.

How many states have Nixon electoral votes?

There were 50 states all during Richard Nixons term as President (1968-74). Alaska was admitted to the union January 3rd, 1959 as the 49th state. Hawaii was admitted August 21st, 1959 as the 50th state.

Who ran against grant in 1972 as the liberal republican party candidate?

There seems to be some confusion in your question. Ulysses S. Grant was the 18th President of the United States and served from 1869 to 1877. There was no presidential election in 1972 involving Grant or anyone running as a liberal Republican candidate. Richard Nixon, a Republican, ran against George McGovern, a Democrat, in the 1972 presidential election.

How many states voted in Washington's presidential election?

At the time George Washington became our first president, there were only 13 states in the Union.

What does red or blue state mean?

Blue states: are states won by the Democrat in a presidential election Red states: are states won by the Republican in a presidential election

Which president lost in the first election of the US?

The first presidential election was in 1788 and George Washington won and became the president of the United States. He ran unopposed.

What year will it be until you have another presidential election?

It will be another four years until the next presidential election in the United States.

Who ran in the 1972 presidential election?

Incumbent President Richard Nixon a faced South Dakota Senator called George McGovern. Nixon's running mate was Spiro Agnew (who he disliked entirely). McGovern chose Senator Thomas Eagleton of Minnesota as his running mate. When it was discovered that Eagleton had psychiatric illnesses had had received electric shock therapy, McGovern initially decided to stick with his running mate. He then did a U-Turn and changed his candidate to Sargent Shriver, John Kennedy's brother-in-law. This contributed to his image of being indecisive. Nixon was aided by the fact the economy was in good shape, the war in Vietnam was over and he had just made groundbreaking visits to China and the USSR. Nixon was quite moderate and many Demoocrats were satifisfied with having him in office while they controlled Congress; some even formed a "Democrats for Nixon" campaign. This meant McGovern's campaign was disorganised and lacked support, while the Republicans successfully portrayed him as standing for "Amnesty, abortion and acid". In the end, Nixon won by a landslide, with a majority of votes in 49 states, except for Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. Nixon's popularity crashed a year after the election as a result of the Watergate Scandal. This led to several bumper stickers appearing in Boston saying "Don't blame me, I'm from Massachusetts!"