

Gestation refers to the process of?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Gestation refers to the process of?
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What is meant by the term gestation?

Gestation refers to the period of pregnancy. ie - A human gestation period would be 9 months.

What is the Gestation period for a cassowary?

Cassowaries are birds, so they do not have a gestation period, as gestation refers to the length of a pregnancy. Cassowary eggs take between 50 and 60 days to incubate, or hatch.

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What is the mean of gestation?

Gestation is the length of time that a female mammal carries her baby before birth. Only mammals give birth to live young, so the word is only used to refer to mammals. The gestation period is different for every mammal. Humans have a gestation period of around nine months.

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Parturition is the birthing process. Gestation period is 11-12 months.

What is incubation period for caribou?

The 'gestation' period for caribou is usually 240 days. -( 'incubation' period refers to birds)

What is the Gestation period for pheasant eggs?

The term "gestation length" refers to mammals. Pheasants are birds, not mammals. So the number you are looking for is more commonly referred to as "time to hatching" or perhaps "incubation length."

What is gestation and how long does it last?

Gestation is the scientific description of the process of caring a fetus within the uterus, more commonly called "being pregnant". The gestation period can last as short as a few days in marsupials and as long as two years in elephants.

what is gestation and how long its last?

Gestation is the scientific description of the process of caring a fetus within the uterus, more commonly called "being pregnant". The gestation period can last as short as a few days in marsupials and as long as two years in elephants.

Which structures play role in initiating the birth process at the end of gestation period?

The Amnion and the Uterus

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Cognition refers to intellectual activity.