

Get rid of vaginal odors

Updated: 10/10/2023
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12y ago

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It sound like a vaginal infection. Wearing tight clothing. I.E. thongs, skinny jeans, or a wet bathing suit for long periods of time can cause an infection. You need to go see a Gyno. There is an easy fix for it. Get a scheduled appointment and then go from there.

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Just keep clean as normal using soap not more then once a day and then one for that purpose. Use cotton underwear that breaths and are not too tight and don't douche. It disrupts the natural bacteria flora so you easier get yeast infections. If you suspect you have a yeast infection you can wait it out (takes about 2 weeks) or see a doctor.

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12y ago

If you have a infection you need medication, either over the counter or on prescription. Otherwise it's enough to wash once a day using soap and other times water. Use a soap made for the intimate washing. Using soap too often can mess up the natural flora of the vulva and make it easier to get infections.

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