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A product called dubbing, it's kinda like shoe polish but not. Available at hardware stores.

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Q: Get water marks off of leather furniture?
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What is the best way to restore leather furniture?

I would recommend cleaning the leather with a mild soap and warm water. If the stains still do not come off then upgrade to a leather cleaner. Never scrub hard and do not use chemicals on the furniture.

What caurses stain on leather furniture?

There are a lot of things that can stain leather, water, fat, pretty much any spilled food stuff that isn't wiped off fast enough.

How do you clean scuff marks off shoes that are not leather?

Finger nail polish remover

Can you wipe off leather furniture with a damp cloth?

Yes, you can wipe off leather furniture with a damp cloth to remove dust and minor dirt. Make sure to use a clean, soft cloth and avoid using excess water, as it can damage the leather. It is also recommended to follow up with a leather conditioner to keep the leather moisturized and protected.

How do you clean scuff marks off of leather boots?

ether you wash it in washer or get the mr.clean stuff

Is Murphy's oil soap safe to use for cleaning mildew off leather car seats?

Yes. Dilute it with water, use a soft piece of terry cloth dampened in the solution to scrub stains gently. Use a water-dampened terry cloth towel to wipe away the soap, then blot it dry with a dry towel. If your owner's manual recommends it, finish with a good quality leather conditioner. You can use this on leather furniture, saddles, boots, purses - any leather with a finished surface. Leather books can be cleaned this way with minimal water, as can leather-topped desks. Murphy's is good for dirty furniture or cabinets.

How do I remove Pine tree sap from leather furniture?

Simple. Creamy Peanut Butter! Just rub the peanut butter in and the sap should lift off. Rinse with soap & water.

How do you get white water marks off of linoleum?

You can try a mixture of white vinegar and water to get white water marks off of linoleum. Use a scrub brush with the mixture to clean the area. If that does not work, clean the marks with toothpaste.

How do you get nail polish remover off of leather?

You can try saddle soap, available wherever shoe polish is sold, or perhaps a commercial leather cleaner, often available in furniture stores.

What is the best thing to get marks off leather?

Depends on the mark and the type of leather. Suede an leather eraser works well and a small brush. Smooth leather there is a commercial leather towelette cleaner you can buy. Don't use a brush on the smooth it will scratch it. The brush on the suede brushes up the nap.

Is leather living room furniture easy to care for?

Leather living room furniture is a lot easier to take care of than other fabrics. When you have a baby it is easier to clean the spit up up and if your dog wants to lay on the couch you can just swipe the hair off.

I'm concerned that dog's claws will scratch leather furniture when they jump off and on.?

I had the same concern. We recently purchased 2 leather couches and a leather chair. We have 2 Jack Russell Terriers and we do not cut their claws as often as we should. Even with the longer claws I have not seen a single instance of a scratch mark on the furniture. And believe me, our dogs are ALWAYS sharing the couches with us! FYI - we've had the furniture for about 4 months. :-)