

Give an example of natural selection:?

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Midnight Blue

Lvl 7
1y ago

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When Homo Sapiens came along, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons died out.

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Midnight Blue

Lvl 7
1y ago

The turtles in the Galapagos Islands.

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Q: Give an example of natural selection:?
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Natural variation, natural selection, artificial selection, genetic engineering, etc.

Is natural selection an example of macroevolution?

No, natural selection is the mechanism that drivesevolution.

Is a frog an example of natural selection?

No, a frog is not an example of natural selection itself. Natural selection is a mechanism for evolution that acts on populations of organisms over generations, influencing the traits that are passed on to the next generation. Individual organisms like a frog can be impacted by natural selection, depending on their traits and how those traits affect their survival and reproduction.

Give five example of common?

evolution. the fossil record. uniformitarianism. the origin of new species. natural selection.

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It is an example of Natural Selection, Modern Theories of Evolution.

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Natural Selection. Bedi<3;)

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False, dog breeding would be an example of Artificial Selection.

Is Dog breeding is an example of natural selection?

False, dog breeding would be an example of Artificial Selection.

Why is a dandelion an example of natural selection?

All modern lifeforms are examples of natural selection, since they are all the result of it.

Artificial selection example?

Think GMO crops. Not natural selection, we selected them artificially

Why are dogs an example of selective breeding?

is dog breeding an example of natural selection

A selection done by nature lol i know notin?

natural selection for example is a peppered moth.