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1. Combining the elemental gases, Hydrogen and Oxygen, to form the compound: water.

2H2↑ + O2↑ → 2H2O.

2. Combining Sodium hydroxide (a base) with Hydrochloric acid to form the 2 compounds: sodium chloride (a salt) and water.

NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O.

3. Combining Bismuth metal with Hydrochloric acid, in the presence of Oxygen, to form the 2 compounds: Bismuth trichloride (a salt) and water.

4Bi + 3O2 ↑+ 12HCl → 4BiCl3 + 6H2O

4. Combining Bismuth metal with liquid Bromine to form the compound: Bismuth tribromide (a salt).

2Bi + 3Br2 → 2BiBr3

5. Combining Sodium metal with water to form the compound: Sodium hydroxide, (a base), and releasing elemental Hydrogen gas.

2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2↑

6. The rusting of Iron, The natural combining of iron with oxygen to form the compound:

4Fe + 3O2↑ → 2Fe2O3

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13y ago
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3w ago

Physical changes: melting of ice, boiling water, crushing a soda can, breaking a glass.

Chemical changes: rusting of iron, burning wood, fermenting grapes to make wine, baking a cake.

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11y ago

iron rusting

baking a cake

burning paper

bleaching your hair

soured milk

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15y ago

here's a start for you... anything involving a fire = chemical change anything involving a hammer pounding something = physical change

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14y ago

Melting, evaporating, dissolving, breaking, bending, stretching, shrinking,

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12y ago

A physical change occurs when some of the properties of a material change, but the substances in the material remain the same.

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10y ago

1. candle burning

2. milk spoiling

3. digestion

4. fermentation of sugar

5. mixing vinegar and baking soda

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6y ago

Physical changes: melting, freezing, vaporization, condensation, sublimation.
Chemical changes: oxidation, thermal degradation, polymerization, corrosion, fermentation.

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12y ago

pud phusi prechi poti nd proo

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11y ago


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Q: Give 5 examples of physical and chemical change?
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What is the difference between physical and chemical change give examples?

A physical change is a change in appearance or state of matter without altering the chemical composition. Examples include cutting paper or melting ice. A chemical change results in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties. Examples include burning wood or rusting iron.

Is grilling a burger a chemical or physical change?

Grilling a burger is a chemical change because the proteins and fats in the meat undergo chemical reactions when exposed to heat, leading to the formation of new compounds that give the burger its characteristic flavor and color.

Can chemical reactions have physical changes?

No, chemical reactions involve changes in the chemical composition of substances, while physical changes involve changes in the physical state or appearance of a substance without altering its chemical composition.

Give you 2 examples of physical and chemical change with water?

Physical change with water: freezing water into ice (solidifying) and boiling water into steam (vaporizing). Chemical change with water: electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen and oxygen gases, and water reacting with sodium metal to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas.

What does physical and chemical change have in common?

Physical and chemical changes both involve a transformation in matter. However, physical changes do not alter the chemical composition of substances, while chemical changes result in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties.

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Explain the difference between chemical change and physical change, and provide examples of each. Define chemical change and physical change, and provide examples to illustrate. Differentiate between chemical change and physical change, and give examples to clarify the distinction.

i neeed 30 phiscal change and 100 chemical change got its boi?

give me 50 physical changes and 10o chemical change

Is burning a candle a chemical change or a physical change give reason?

It is both a physical and chemical change. The burning of the wick s chemical while the candle melting being physical.

What is meant by the term chemical change Give 2 examples?

A chemical change is a change that imply the change of the nature of molecules. Examples: neutralization of an acidic solution, thermal decomposition and generally all chemical reactions.

Give examples of chemical change?

explosion of fireworks,cooking an egg

Is food color is dropped into water to give it color a chemical change?

no, a physical change

Is cleaning a penny a chemical change or a physical change?

this is my homework just give the answer already!

What is the difference between physical and chemical change give examples?

A physical change is a change in appearance or state of matter without altering the chemical composition. Examples include cutting paper or melting ice. A chemical change results in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties. Examples include burning wood or rusting iron.

Give two examples of chemical changes?

1. Burning of paper 2. Vulcanizing of paper

Can you give me some examples of chemical changes and physical changes involved in the use of household products?

Chemical : cooking (not heating [especially in the microwave]). Physical : making ice cubes.

Give 3 example of physical change?

There are quite a few examples of physical change including melting ice. You can also consider freezing water and boiling water a physical change.