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grass, mouse, prarie cat, lion, bird

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Q: Give an example of a food chain with 4 consumers and one producer?
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Does a producer represent the base of an energy pyramid?

Its just give Energy to consumers ,

Describe the role played by the producers in an economic system and give an example of someone being a producer.?

Producers, produce the goods and services the consumers deamand, want, and need.

Is there more energy stored in the producer level or the consumer level?

yes producers have the most energy. then the first level cunsumer has one 10th the energy that producers have. and 2nd level cunsumers have one 10th the energy then a 1st level cunsumer has . etc. etc.

Savannah food chain?

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Can you give me ah sample of food chain?

A basic food chain starts with a primary producer and has a chain of primary, secondary, and tertiary predators. This would start with algae as the primary producer, minnows as the primary predator, sunfish as the secondary predator and pike as the tertiary predator.

What is a producer and what is its role in an ecosystem?

A producer produces its own food, like how a plant produces its food from the Sun (photosynthesis). Producers are at the bottom of the food chain, they provide food for consumers. Without producers, an ecosystem could not sustain itself.Producers are plants that give us oxygen, and vegetables and fruits. Producers don't eat other producers and organisms, they only get eaten.

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Is grass an OmNivore Herbivore or a Carnivore?

None of the above. Grass is a producer and all the terms you give are describing consumers.

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is a pup trash what ever nigers

What are consumers and what do they do and give an example?

Anybody or thing that consumes is a consumer. All that purchase (end purchaser) are considered "consumers". Consumers buy things and use them. Example I buy a bar of soap and use it to wash my hands. I am a consumer of the soap.

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give me an example of a food chain with a mouse included

Can you give an example of a causal chain?

The children's book If You Give a Mouse A Cookie is a great example of a causal chain. Though the ideas are silly (meant for entertaining children), it still shows how A leads to B and B leads to C...