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Q: Give the principle of working of null type instrument?
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What is dc null voltage?

The term, 'null', simply means 'none' -so, 'null voltage' means 'no voltage'.Most bridge circuits require you to achieve a 'null reading' on its measuring instrument, when using the circuit to determine resistance (in the case of the Wheatstone Bridge), etc.

If null is compared with null what is the result-true or false or null or unknown?


C plus plus program of periodic table?

The Periodic Table Of Elements has a well defined order. The layout can be emulated easily since the arrangement is quite logical.The first step would be to define a struct containing the following members as a minimum:- atomic number (int - number of protons in its nucleus)- symbol (char* - short form of the element name)- name (char* - long form of the element name)i.e.:struct elementinfo {int atomicnumber;char *symbol, *name;};Other members can be added as your program develops.The next step is to arrange the table itself. If you're using Win32 or another graphical system, it's a matter of drawing a box (Win32 would require a MoveToEx() call and four LineTo() calls) and TextOut() (or a related function) for the atomic number and element symbol (centered horizontally and aligned top and bottom respectively).Including conio.h or curses.h would give you the ability to position the cursor and even change the text color, allowing for an alternate "graphical" method.To keep things simple, storing the elements in an array would require something akin to the following:struct elementinfo elementlist[]={{1, "H", "Helium"}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {2, "He", "Helium"},{-1, NULL, NULL},{3, "Li", "Lithium"}, {4, "Be", "Beryllium"}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{5, "B", "Boron"}, {6, "C", "Carbon"}, {7, "N", "Nitrogen"},{8, "O", "Oxygen"}, {9, "F", "Fluorine"}, {10, "Ne", "Neon"},{-1, NULL, NULL},...{-2, NULL, NULL}};In the above array, {0, NULL, NULL} represents a blank displayed for that particular cell, and {-1, NULL, NULL} represents a newline. The {-2, NULL, NULL} signifies the end of the table. The following for() loop would wrap around your display code like so:for (count=0; elementlist[count].atomicnumber!=-2; count++) {if elementlist[count].atomicnumber==-1) {// jump to next line of elements}else {// display current element}}Drawing this graphically, you'd have to keep track of the current cursor (X, Y) position.If you are sending this to stdout or another text stream (i.e. text file), you could draw each line, referencing the array of elements as you go. The list of elements would have to be stored in a nested array: the outermost array contains each line of elements in an array. This would do away with the {-1, NULL, NULL} terminating each line of elements.Extending this code to use classes would be relatively simple, but might only make sense if you were drawing this graphically storing each element as an object.The Lanthanides and Actinides, since they're displayed separately from the main table, would probably have to be stored separately for sake of convenience.Also, as laboratories continue to synthesize (or, on the rare chance, discover) new elements, the layout of the table may change (even drastically) to suit. Thus, the code would have to be altered accordingly.See the related links below for more ideas on how to design a program that displays the Periodic Table of Elements.(Note: Code originally posted was copyrighted. Added to related links.)

Null in programming?

in Russian Null means zero. in some languages Null is a macro for zero. in others Null is a single-tone object which referes to the value Null and thus could be compared to other values. Null has many names from nill Nill nil in diffrent languages. most of the time, Null is used to indicate, no value is set to a variable.

Give a recursive version of the tree-insert?

Insert (Node *root, Node *newp) { if (root->left==NULL) { root->left= newp; return; } if (root->right==NULL) { root->right= newp; return; } Insert (root->left, newp); }

Related questions

What is dc null voltage?

The term, 'null', simply means 'none' -so, 'null voltage' means 'no voltage'.Most bridge circuits require you to achieve a 'null reading' on its measuring instrument, when using the circuit to determine resistance (in the case of the Wheatstone Bridge), etc.

What principle is the theory of nullification based on?

that individual states may declare federal law null and void

Explain the principle of null-method of measurement?

The null method is used in measuring the unknown EMF of batteries. The method is about using a potentiometer circuit with the battery of a known and then an unknown EMF connected to it one after the other and locating, in each case, the position of the 'null point'; the point on the potentiometer circuit where the current through the battery is zero.

Null Null Null?

Very small.

What kind of things can give rise to a hypothesis?

There are a few things that can give rise to a hypothesis. The main thing is null error.

What are Advantages of deflection type of instrument to null type of instrument?

The pressure gauge is a good example of a deflection-type instrument, where the value of the quantity being measured is displayed in terms of the amount of movement of a pointer. An alternative type of pressure gauge is the dead-weight gauge which is a null-type instrument. Here, weights are put on top of the piston until the downward force balances the fluid pressure. Weights are added until the piston reaches a datum level, known as the null point. Pressure measurement is made in terms of the value of the weights needed to reach this null position. The accuracy of these two instruments depends on different things. For the first one it depends on the linearity and calibration of the spring, whilst for the second it relies on the calibration of the weights. As calibration of weights is much easier than careful choice and calibration of a linear-characteristic spring, this means that the second type of instrument will normally be the more accurate. This is in accordance with the general rule that null-type instruments are more accurate than deflection types.

If null is compared with null what is the result-true or false or null or unknown?


How do you get to the null in supersecret?

There is no null, it is just what it says when you log out. There is a null.

C plus plus program of periodic table?

The Periodic Table Of Elements has a well defined order. The layout can be emulated easily since the arrangement is quite logical.The first step would be to define a struct containing the following members as a minimum:- atomic number (int - number of protons in its nucleus)- symbol (char* - short form of the element name)- name (char* - long form of the element name)i.e.:struct elementinfo {int atomicnumber;char *symbol, *name;};Other members can be added as your program develops.The next step is to arrange the table itself. If you're using Win32 or another graphical system, it's a matter of drawing a box (Win32 would require a MoveToEx() call and four LineTo() calls) and TextOut() (or a related function) for the atomic number and element symbol (centered horizontally and aligned top and bottom respectively).Including conio.h or curses.h would give you the ability to position the cursor and even change the text color, allowing for an alternate "graphical" method.To keep things simple, storing the elements in an array would require something akin to the following:struct elementinfo elementlist[]={{1, "H", "Helium"}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {2, "He", "Helium"},{-1, NULL, NULL},{3, "Li", "Lithium"}, {4, "Be", "Beryllium"}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL}, {0, NULL, NULL},{5, "B", "Boron"}, {6, "C", "Carbon"}, {7, "N", "Nitrogen"},{8, "O", "Oxygen"}, {9, "F", "Fluorine"}, {10, "Ne", "Neon"},{-1, NULL, NULL},...{-2, NULL, NULL}};In the above array, {0, NULL, NULL} represents a blank displayed for that particular cell, and {-1, NULL, NULL} represents a newline. The {-2, NULL, NULL} signifies the end of the table. The following for() loop would wrap around your display code like so:for (count=0; elementlist[count].atomicnumber!=-2; count++) {if elementlist[count].atomicnumber==-1) {// jump to next line of elements}else {// display current element}}Drawing this graphically, you'd have to keep track of the current cursor (X, Y) position.If you are sending this to stdout or another text stream (i.e. text file), you could draw each line, referencing the array of elements as you go. The list of elements would have to be stored in a nested array: the outermost array contains each line of elements in an array. This would do away with the {-1, NULL, NULL} terminating each line of elements.Extending this code to use classes would be relatively simple, but might only make sense if you were drawing this graphically storing each element as an object.The Lanthanides and Actinides, since they're displayed separately from the main table, would probably have to be stored separately for sake of convenience.Also, as laboratories continue to synthesize (or, on the rare chance, discover) new elements, the layout of the table may change (even drastically) to suit. Thus, the code would have to be altered accordingly.See the related links below for more ideas on how to design a program that displays the Periodic Table of Elements.(Note: Code originally posted was copyrighted. Added to related links.)

What is is null?

main(){ char str[5]="hello"; if(str==NULL) printf("string null"); else printf("string not null"); }

What is the subset of null set?

The null set. Every set is a subset of itself and so the null set is a subset of the null set.

Does foreign key alllows null values and duplicate values?

A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.A foreign can have null values and it can have duplicate values.