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Q: Give two minerals that are mined using open-pit mining?
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Human needs for mining minerals?

If it was not grown, it was mined. Metals and minerals come from mining. The computer you are using to read this was made with minerals and metals from mining. The wire that carries electricity to your house came from mining (much of the electricity came from mining too).

How is Chert mined?

it is mined using surface mining

How was coal mined?

If shallow then it is mined using a "strip" mining technique. If it is deep then it is mined in deep mine collieries.

Is iron mined using surface or subsurface mining?


Why do companies mine minerals?

To obtain materials that are needed for modern life. The computer you are using to read this contains 34 different materials that were obtained from mining. Remember- if it was not grown from a plant, someone mined it.

How is mineral such as gold or copper is mined?

Solid Minerals such as Gold and Copper are mostly mined using the Open Cast Method.

How preserve Mineral?

You Can Preserve Minerals By Limiting the usage of the minerals & The Proper Taking care of Mining Place . Or By Participating some Government Activities About the Mining && The Proper using of The Minerals

Is uranium more commonly mined world wide using the In Situ Leaching method or the conventional mining method?

The open pit mining or the underground mining are more common now.

How is coal obtained besides strip mining?

Coal is also mined by underground mining, but only a portion of the coal present can be removed (holds up the roof). Coal is also mined by high wall or long wall mining, and by using large diameter augers to dig laterally into exposed seams.

How do you extract amethyst from the earth?

Amethyst is mined using underground mining. Many times it is found using drift mining. Amethyst is not in veins. It is chunks attached to granite. It is mined in: Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Canada, Zambia, South Africa, and the United States (North Carolina, Maine, Pennsylvania, Arizona).

What was placer mining?

A placer deposit or placer is an accumulation of minerals formed by gravity separation during sedimentary processes. Placer deposits are frequently beaches or river gravels. They are mined by gathering up the ore containing material and sluicing these using water.

How is coal taken from the ground?

By undergroung mining or by open-cast mining, as are all mined minerals.