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cause_joel kick the ball

effect_the ball go near joel's place

Some one smoked all their life (cause).
So they got lung cancer(effect).

Cause: I punched my friend.
Effect: hes not my friend anymore.

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4d ago
  1. Cause: Heavy rain, Effect: Flooding in the streets.
  2. Cause: Lack of exercise, Effect: Weight gain.
  3. Cause: Studying regularly, Effect: Higher exam scores.
  4. Cause: Excessive drinking, Effect: Liver damage.
  5. Cause: Not wearing a helmet, Effect: Head injury in an accident.
  6. Cause: Poor diet, Effect: Vitamin deficiencies.
  7. Cause: Smoking, Effect: Increased risk of lung cancer.
  8. Cause: Speeding, Effect: Car accidents.
  9. Cause: Not getting enough sleep, Effect: Poor concentration.
  10. Cause: Improper waste disposal, Effect: Environmental pollution.
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What is primacy and recency?

Primacy and recency are terms used in psychology to describe the effect of order of presentation on memory. The primacy effect results in information presented earlier being better remembered than information presented later on. The recency effect results in better recall of the most recent information presented. Together, these two effects result in the earliest and latest information in a given presentation being recalled best, with information in the middle being least remembered.

What is the relationship between biology and psychology?

Biology deals with our physical body and Psychology deals with our thoughts and feelings, or we could even say imaginary body. If one changes, it usually affects the other. For example if a girl lost 10 lbs (biology) she would be ecstatic, extremely happy and confident. It would probably change a lot about her thinking (psychology). What you think about yourself, will effect what you are, and what you are, will affect what you think about yourself.

In physical development what would be an example of a stage?

An example of a stage in physical development is adolescence, which typically occurs between the ages of 10 to 19 years old. During this stage, individuals experience significant growth spurts, hormonal changes, and development of secondary sexual characteristics. Factors such as nutrition, exercise, and genetics can influence the rate and progression of physical development during adolescence.

How long does it take for alcohol to reach the brain and begin its effect?

Alcohol can reach the brain within minutes of consumption, as it quickly enters the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine. Its effects typically begin to be felt within 10-30 minutes after consumption, depending on factors such as the individual's metabolism and how much they have consumed.

What percentage of accidents is caused by unsafe Behavior rather than 2 unsafe conditions?

Unsafe behavior is the leading cause of accidents, accounting for around 80-90% of incidents, while unsafe conditions contribute to the remaining 10-20%. This highlights the importance of promoting safety culture and behavioral awareness in preventing accidents.