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Q: Give you example of Analytical Exposition Text about Agriculture?
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wats good

Can you give another analytical exposition text?


What is exposition by analysis?

Expository text is used to tell readers about something. These texts explain the intent or meaning of a logical written work so that the rest makes sense to the reader in case they are not familiar with an important detail beforehand.

Can you give an analytical exposition text about the extinction of dinosaurs?

Dnosours became extinct because a large meateorite hit the gulf of Mexico and then killed off the dinosours.

Can you give an example of cow as analytical exposition?

You stick some maynays on the cow then u burn it on a stove and OH YA HEEE HEEE and then a little piece of steak pops out of its HINEEY HINEEY HOLE AND GOS PSGSIVHBDIUDGHISHGDS POPPYITY BOO DA

What is the answer to this Can you give an example from your work experience that shows your analytical abilities?

It is either yes I can or no I cannot

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word agriculture?

It is said that anyone on that eats is a part of agriculture.

What is the analytical exposition?

An expository text is something that is used to give the reader information or instructions. Some examples would include scientific journals, directions to a place, a guide on putting something together, a textbook, or even a newspaper.

What is the exposition of don't wait to give daddy a hug?

no food

Could you give me the example of hortatory exposition text?

I believe that is another way of saying 'transcript of a speech'. One of the most famous examples is President Abraham Lincoln's 'Gettysburg Address'.

Please give me an example of hortatory exposition?

A hortatory exposition is a form of expression (written or oral) in which a specific action is strongly recommended or rejected. Essays and public presentations urging a nation either to go to war or to refrain from it are also examples of hortatory exposition. Strong examples come from Civil Rights speeches in which segregation is denounced and equal treatment of all is urged upon the listeners. A written transcript of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech is an excellent example.

What is Graphical Method and Analytical Method and Give Word Problems about it pls?

graphical method