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It doesn't. Glass is made from silica (sand), that has been melted. It doesn't decompose, only organic materials decompose, and some metals will oxidize (rust), but glass will be glass thousands of years from now. (unless it is ground down into sand again.)

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Q: Glass decomposes in a landfill after how many years?
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How many years does it take for backpacks to decompose in the landfill?

5.26 years

How long does it take glass to break down in a landfill?

Glass moves about one inch per century. It is actually a liquid, so it moves, but it is very dense and takes a long time to break down. So it will probably take at least five centuries to move it about five inches.

How many years does garbage stays in a landfill?

depends on what the garbage is...... if its organic, usually its a LOT faster. if not, then were all screwed

How many landfill sites are in Devon?

There are three (3) landfill sites in Devon :) x

How many years does it for glass to decompose in a land fill?

It takes about one to two million years for glass to decompose.

Why are the landfills the gold mines of the future?

In the future after many decades of waste disposal landfills will be loaded with many valuable materials in high quantities, (ex: plastics) instead of wasting energy on trying to recycle these materials in real time think of landfills as a savings account for the future where it is much more economical to set up recycling facilities at the landfill and mine it for years after all the organic material decomposes.

Why doesn't trash decompose in a modern landfill?

The simple answer is that it does! Everything decomposes eventually. Unfortunately, many household, commercial and industrial waste products are made from materials that take an awfully long time to decompose; plastic for example. Some types of plastic can take up to 50,000 years to decompose fully! Other waste items such as tin foil can take upward of 100,000 years! Even with the (comparatively recent) advent of recycling, much of the waste that gets assigned to landfill is, indeed recyclable. This is partly because so many recycling plants are already operating at full capacity, or are governed by strict input / output quotients. Of course, despite what the governments of the world would have us believe, it is often cheaper to export waste to landfill sites abroad than it is to recycle it domestically.

How many landfill sites are there is in the UK?

There are over 4000 landfill sites in the UK.

What problem is caused by waste in landfills?

There is a risk of contamination of surrounding watercourses and ground water. Flammable methane gas has to be vented into the atmosphere, or burnt off. The land needs many years after landfill has ceased before it can be built on. Landfill sites are becoming scarce, which is why recycling is encouraged nowadays. The more that is recycled, the less waste has to be dumped in a landfill.

How many years does it take glass to decompose in landfills?


How many landfills in Auckland?

There are 5 Landfills in the Auckland region. They are Rosedale Road landfill, Greenmount Landfill, Redvale Landfill, Whitford Landfill and Hunua Gorge Landfill. None of these are situated in Auckland City itself but are situated in North Shore, Waiatakere City, Manukau City and Papakura. These are administered by the Auckland regional council.

Can a tv go into landfill?

It is illegal in many states to put a TV into the landfill. There are special places that will take electronics that needs to be disposed of.