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Unfortunately it could be sciatica which is a very painful pinched nerve condition.

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Q: Gluten maximus pain shoot down to my calf muscle?
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What is the densest muscle in the body?

the tougne is the strongest musce in your body!

What is the muscle at the back of the calf called?

The largest muscle of your calf is the gastrocnemius.

Can you have a pulse in your calf?

You will not find a pulse in your calf muscle.

Is my calf voluntary or involuntary?


What muscles does the sole f80 treadmill work out?

The sole f80 treadmill work a few muscles out. They work out your quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, calf muscle, lower abdominal muscles and your upper abdominal muscles.

What muscle do heel raises work?

The heel raise exercise works your calf muscles, which are two separate muscles. The first is the gastrocnemius muscle, which is the outermost calf muscle on the back of your lower leg. Your soleus muscle is the second part of your calf muscle and rests underneath the gastrocnemius. However, the soleus is slightly wider than the gastrocnemius.

Why do calf muscles continuously twitch?

well if your calf muscle constantly twitches you are probably having a muscle spasm

What is the gastronemius?

The gastrocnemius muscle is located with the soleus in the posterior (back) compartment of the leg. It is associated with the "bulge" in the calf muscle.

What is the name of the muscle that is located in the calf?

The calf muscles are the gastrocnemius and the soleus.

Where did the name calf muscle come from?

The term calf in calf muscle was derived from the Old Norse word, kaifi. It is closely related to the Irish Gaelic word calpa.

Whats the common name for the gastrocnemius muscle?

Calf muscle

What muscle allows you to stand on your tip toes.?

Calf Muscle