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"Спокойной ночи, сладких снов." [spah-`koy-noy-`notchy-`slud-keekh-`snov].

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Q: Good night sweet dreams in Russian?
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How do you say sweet dreams in Russian?

Not sure about 'sweet dreams' exactly, but 'SpakOini NOchi' (conventionally 'good night') is literally '(I wish you) a tranquil night'

How do you say good night sweet dreams in maori?

In Maori, "good night sweet dreams" can be translated to "po marie, moe moa."

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Would you say have a good dream or sweet dreams?

You could say either, but the traditional good-night phrase is "Sweet dreams."

How do you say goodnight sweet dreams in Hawaii?

Good night, sweet dreams. They speak English in Hawaii.

What to reply good night?

You can reply "Good night, sleep tight!" or simply "Good night, sweet dreams!"

What does Que tenga una buena noche y dulce sueñitos besitos mean?

"I hope you have a good night and sweet little dreams. Kisses."

How do you say Good night and sweet dreams in Yoruba language?

You say "Good night and sweet dreams" in Yoruba language of the Western African origin as "od'aro kosi la ala to da".

Bonsoir et doux reves amis translate to English?

good night and sweet dreams my friends (a French would say 'de beaux rêves' and not 'doux rêves')

How do you translate ' good night Sweet dreams' Into Bemba?

Sendamenipo mukwai, mulale bwino

How to say Good night and sweet dreams in french?

bonne nuit et doux rêves (:

Good night handsome and sweet dreams?

"buenas noches guapo y dulces sueños"