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Q: Government for the people by the people describes a system of government in which people are?
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Government of the people by the people for the people describes a system of government in which the people are sovereign.?

A government of the people by the people describes not just the sovereignty of the people but it ensures how much importance it is giving to the people.its all about the people.the whole system is made by the people and definetly its not for anyone but for the people.there are many drawbacks,but at the same time it is the best system we have now with us and it worked well so far

What is the differences between government and political system?

A Government is an entity that governs a certain group of people. One of its main distinguishing features is the monopoly on the legal use of force.A Political System is a general set of principles, ideals and limitations that are followed by a government regardless of the more specific goals of that particular government.

Which best describes the system of taxation the kings of Babylon created?

a system under which people earn money for helping their government

What describes the role of the national government in a federal system?

The national government balances the power of the states.

The US Constitution establishes a federal system of government Which statement best describes a federal system of government?

The US Constitution established the Federal system of government. The best way to describe the Federal system of government is that it is a shared power of government between the nation and the states.

What term describes a form of government where power in government is split between a national government and several state or provincial governments?

Federal system

What is the difference between TYPE of government and the SYSTEM of government?

The difference between the type of government and the system of government is the way in which they act for the people. There are only two forms of government, those that are controlled by the people and those that control the people.

Which system of government do the people have the most political power?

in which system of government do the people have the most political party

What describes a government system for giving or food to the poor?

Communism plain

What is it a system of government by groups or officials?

An "oligarchy" is a system of government by groups or officials. It is a government that is run be several people as a group. It is distinguished from a "monarch", which is a government run by one person.A system of government run by groups or officials is bureaucratic.A bureaucracy is a system of government by groups of officials. An autocracy is a system of government where one person rules with total power.

What system allows a government to use only the powers given to it by the people.?

The democratic system is the type of system that allows a government to use power given to it by the people. In a democratic type of government its the people who elect their leaders.

What describes a government system for giving payments for food to the poor?

Communism plain