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The wide population of the world will consume mostly grain based foods because it is one of the most inexpensive and fairly easier crops to grow.

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1mo ago

Grain-based foods are often a staple in many cultures due to their affordability, versatility, and ability to provide sustained energy. Grains are also a good source of carbohydrates, which are important for fueling our bodies. Additionally, grains can be easily grown and stored, making them readily available for a large percentage of the population to consume.

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11y ago

Grain Based foods has a lot of energy and also its one of the most inexpensive and fairly easy crop to grow.

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How did the columbian exchange affect population size and movement?

The Columbian Exchange led to significant population changes by introducing new foods and diseases to different regions. This resulted in population growth in some areas due to the introduction of new staple crops, while also leading to population decline in others due to the spread of diseases like smallpox. The exchange also facilitated the movement of people across continents through colonization, trade, and the transatlantic slave trade.

Describe a change in the Eastern hemisphere caused by the Columbian exchange?

The introduction of new crops such as maize and potatoes from the Americas to the Eastern hemisphere had a transformative impact on agriculture and diets. These crops became staple foods, leading to increased agricultural productivity and population growth in regions like Europe and Asia.

How does McDonalds affect the population?

McDonald's affects the population in various ways. It provides convenient and affordable food options for many consumers, creates employment opportunities, and contributes to economic growth. However, it has also been criticized for its impact on public health due to the high levels of processed foods and its contribution to environmental issues such as waste and deforestation.

What do they eat in the steppe climate?

In the steppe climate, people typically eat foods that can be grown or raised in arid grasslands, such as grains (wheat, barley), fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and meats (from animals like sheep, goats, and camels). Traditional dishes may include flatbreads, dairy products like yogurt and cheese, grilled meats, and hearty vegetable stews.

What determines which kind of foods can be grown in a region?

The climate, soil quality, topography, and availability of water primarily determine which foods can be grown in a region. These factors influence the types of crops that can thrive in a specific area. Additionally, cultural preferences and farming practices also play a role in determining what foods are typically grown in a region.

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