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Q: Green colored substance that helps plants use sunlight for photosynthesis?
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What is a green colored substance that helps plants use sunlight for photosynthesis?

chlorophyllThe "green substance" is chlorophyll, a green pigment found in the chloroplasts in a leaf. Chlorophyll traps sunlight for photosynthesis- a plant's way of making food for itself using sunlight.Photosynthesis equation:sunlightcarbon dioxide + water -------------------> oxygen + glucosechlorophyll6CO2 + 6H2O ----------------> 6O2 + C6H12O6

How do plants have photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the change of light energy into chemical energy. Plants use the sunlight, the soil, the water to make a substance known as chlorophyll (this keeps leaves green). This is like the plant's food.

What can sunlight do to plants?

helps in photosynthesis

Why do plants need energy of sunlight?

Plants use the energy from sunlight to carry out photosynthesis.

How does sunlight aid in survival?

will different plants need different amount of sunlight . they need sunlight for photosynthesis that's how they make their own food. without sunlight,there would be no photosynthesis and plants.

Why photosynthesis in plants is low in indoor light than sunlight?

because plants need sunlight to do photosynthesis and with less or no sunlight it will either take long or will not happen at all

Do plants require sunlight?

Yes, plants require sunlight to produce food through photosynthesis.

Why do flowers or plants need sunlight?

They need sunlight to perform photosynthesis.

Why plants need sunlight and water?

plants need sunlight and water to conduct photosynthesis, which is how plants make energy.

Science fair How does no sunlight affect plants?

Plants use sunlight to make food through photosynthesis, with no sunlight, there is no food.

Why is sunlight useful for photosynthesis?

sunlight is usefull for photosynthesis because it helps to make food to plants for growing their own...

How is photosynthesis used in plants to generate energy?

photosynthesis is plants using water and sunlight to make starch