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Q: Growing tensions in Russia
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Growing tensions with Russia due to rival ambitions to control Manchuria and Korea.

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To ease the growing tensions over the colonization of Africa

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tensions between United States and the U.S.S.R, now known as Russia.

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Reason for tensions were: Quartering, Impressment and the Stamp Act

What are three factors that create tensions in South America?

A growing population, the need for resources, and concern for the environment create tensions throughout the region.

What is dentention?

It was a policy that was sought to ease tensions between East and West of Russia.

What was the causes of the russo Japanese war?

Growing tensions due to rising ambitions of both nations to control Manchuria and Korea.

What is Russia growING?

Russia itself isn't. But Putin is retaking the Baltic states that Russia lost in 1989, so in a odd way it is growing. The country is so large that it has 7 time zones and the whole map of North America can fit into it with room left over.

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Discuss how the growing tensions between England and the colonies led to a revolution and independence.

Best growing industry in Russia?

IT industry

What was a series of 1930s laws passed to keep the US out of the growing tensions in Europe and Asia?

Neutrality Acts

How did the establishment of a communist government in Cuba lead to increased cold war tensions?

The establishment of a communist government increased tensions when Russia sent Cuba materials to build missile launch sites.