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Q: Growing the most efficient variety of plants for an area?
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What plants live in the same area as the coyote?

Sagebrush and a variety of cacti.

What are the advantages of the greenhouse?

It allows the growing, either of native crops earlier than normal, or allows the growing of plants not hardy in the area.

What effects can precipitation patterns have on an area?

Determine types of plants and the length of the growing season.

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What animals adaptations which help it to live in the area in which it does?

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If there was a law that prevents people from growing plants that do not occur naturally in your area why would they want only native plants to grow in the area?

Native plants might get extict, because introduce species shall get all the nutrients and water. They do not want the area to change. They want the area to be the same.

Are irrigation and farming the same thing?

No.* Farming is the growing of plants or crops. * Irigation is delivering water to an area.

What kind of water for plants?

What kind of plants compete for water? Its depends where that plant is growing, If it is growing next to a tree or An animals habitat they will not get the amount of water they need. But if there by its self in a little area and has good soil then it will grow all good.

What is rock gardening?

A rock garden is gardening in a rocky environment. Growing plants that are native to mountainous, rocky conditions. You can also arrange rocks, and stones, and other aggregate materials to create an area to grow these different plants in. It is not growing rocks.

When do you harvest strawberries?

With most cultivated plants, their seeds will not be true to their parentage. But you may get a new variety! Apples and Pears are noted for the variability. As far as strawberries are concerned, the plants will sprout off 'runners' new small plants on the end of stalks about 150mm long. These will readily take root, and will be the same as the parent.