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Q: Growth and metabolism in the body are processes that go on?
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Is having fast metabolism bad?

No this isn't a bad thing, it just means that your cells go through their processes quickly. Metabolism is not just how quickly you digest and burn food, it is all the processes in your body that makes up your metabolism. if you are worried for any reason, go see your gp to check for underlying problems...but no a fast metabolism is not a bad thing.

Are blondes skinny?

No. It doesn't matter what hair colour you have. Everyone is born with a different metabolism. Some are born naturally thin and others go on diets. * how much fat you body processes. If you have a high metabolism, you have a less chance of getting fat.

What does metabolize mean?

The chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized.The processing of a specific substance within the living body: water metabolism; iodine metabolism.

How will ones body alcohol content go down?

The process of metabolism.

How long doaes it take for your body's metabolism to go back to normal after 3 years of starvation?

After three years of starvation it will take about 26.3 years for your metabolism to go back to normal

What is the general term that describes the chemical system reactions that go inside of the body to keep it alive?


Does emotional growth stop the body growing?

Emotional growth does not stop the body from growing. Emotional growth is a natural process that most human being go through throughout their entire life.

How does the storage of energy in ATP molecules benefit a cell?

atp stores energy for maintaining life processes. These life processes result in work being done whenever molecules atoms or ions are rearranged.ATP metabolism is the oldest known cellular metabolism developed by evolution. It may even go back before the existence of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates!

Facts about the 180 degree metabolism diet?

Repairing your metabolism is key to establishing a healthy weight level. By getting the metabolism in working order, a person can lose weight naturally because the body will be in a better position to shed the pounds. The 180 degree metabolism diet is an example of a diet that works to correct the metabolism so the person can shed weight without having to go through rapid build-up to loss sensations. The body is put on a baseline, and the body can return to homeostasis where it is easy to shed pounds because your body will naturally burn the weight in a quicker more efficient way.

Metabolism of fructose?

Fructose must pass trough the liver before being effectively used by the body.

What substance slows down the body process?

There is no one single, "body process", rather, the body has thousands of processes that go on simultaniously, which means that there is no single substance that slows down the entire body.

Should you go get some tea right now?

Yes, you should go get some tea right now! Tea is a wonderful alternative. Tea also helps the metabolism and it assist in healthy nail and hair growth.