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Q: Gymnosperm seeds are dispersed in fruits is it true or false?
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Why are the seeds in fruits dispersed?

The seeds in fruits are dispersed so that they can be planted elsewhere, and reproduce themselves.

What do all gymnosperm share?

They produce seeds that are not enclosed by fruits.

What seeds are dispersed by drop and roll?


Why is it necessary for fruits and seeds of plant to be dispersed?

It is necessary for fruits and seeds of plants to be dispersed because it alows them to reproduce so that they don't become extinct.

How are kapok fruits seeds dispersed?

seeeds of kapok tree are dispersed by wind

How are fruits and seeds dispersed?

by wind, animals, water

How are pear seed dispersed?

They get dispersed by animals.

How are mandarin seeds dispersed?

Mandarin fruits are fleshy and used for making juice. The seeds left after extracting the juice are thrown, hence they get dispersed.

Is a Birch tree angiosperm or gymnosperm?

They are angiosperms, and they are also deciduous.

Why is a pine a gymnosperm?

Because its reproductive systems are insonspicuous. It bears naked seeds not enclosed in fruits.

How does rose disperse its seeds?

Rose plants make fruits called hips. Like most such fruits they are eaten by birds and the seeds are dispersed in their droppings.

What is the importance of fruits in plant survival?

please I need some answers :(( The fruits produce seeds and after ripening of fruits the seeds are dispersed and germinate to give rise many individuals of that plant.