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Similar fossils and rocks are found on widely separated continents.FROM,

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Michelle Littel

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Q: HOW DO Fossils indicates that the continents have moved with time?
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How do fossild indicate that the continents have moved with time?

If specific fossils are found in two separated continents, it means that both continents were once joined.

Why did wegener think the continents moved?

Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift because he noticed how coastlines of continents seemed to fit together like pieces of a puzzle. He also observed similarities in rock formations, fossils, and climate across continents that suggested they were once connected. These observations led him to suggest that the continents had moved over time.

How were the fossils symbol and mountain belts helpful in deciding where to move the continents?

Fossils of the same species found on separate continents suggest that those continents were once connected. Mountain belts show evidence of ancient tectonic activity, helping to illustrate how continents may have moved. These clues were key in developing the theory of plate tectonics and determining how continents have shifted over geological time.

Early mapmakers thought continents might have moved based on their observations of?

The fit of the coastlines of different continents, the distribution of similar fossils across continents, and the presence of similar rock formations on different continents led early mapmakers to speculate that continents may have moved over time. This gave rise to the theory of continental drift, which was later developed into the theory of plate tectonics.

Paleontologists noticed that these were the same on different continents even though the continents were separated by ocean?

The same rocks and minerals from the same batch, dinosaur fossils dating back to the same time periods, natural landforms and structures can be found on completely separate continents. This evidence supports the Plate Techtonics and Continental Drift theories.

Why are the fossils of a Mesosaurus can only be found in South America and Africa?

The reason that Meosaurus fossils can only be found in South America and Africa is that the continents were all together at one time and Africa and South America were touching, at the point Mesosauruses roamed in that area, so when the continents split, the fossils went to different continents.

The presence of the same on several continents supports the hypothesis of continental drift.?

Yes, the presence of the same organisms on multiple continents suggests that at some point in the past, those continents were connected. This supports the theory of continental drift, which explains how landmasses have moved over time. The distribution of these similar organisms across different continents provides additional evidence for this theory.

What are two ways to prove that continents were connected at one time?

to put them together like a puzzle or to look at the fossils that are found in 3 different continents

How can it be that fossil fern plants found in Polar Regions today and fossils found on the east coast of South America are identical to those found on the west coast of Africa?

This indicates that these continents were once connected as part of the supercontinent Pangaea. The identical fossils suggest that these regions shared a similar climate and environment before the continents split apart. Over time, these fossils were separated by continental drift and ended up in their current locations.

Why the fossils of an ocean fish found on two different continents would not be good evidence of continental drift?

Because there's really just one big ocean. A fish would be able to travel ANYWHERE in it. well, because of Pangaea, the continents where in a huge "blob" so when the first fish where created, there where some on the eastern south America and western Africa, when the continents moved apart with the time, there where still some fossils of those specific animals, ocean animals in this case...

Does fossil evidence provide support for the idea that continents have moved over time?


What is the theory in which scientists believe that the continents have moved over time?

Continental drift.