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If you had used -or were given- any kind of medications or freezing agents that end in "aine", such as benzocaine (used as a topical spray) or lidocaine, (used mainly for injection, mainly in dental procedures) they may produce a 'false positive'. Since they were hair follicle tests, it doesn't make a difference when you took -or were administered- the drugs; it only depends on the length of your hair, on how far back in time they can trace it

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Q: Had 3 hair follicle tests done-separate times-2 of them done at the courts and one at a different lab all three are positive for cocaine at levels of everyday use-never used-how is it possible?
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If you smoked a joint 45 days ago would that be enough to test positive on a hair follicle test?

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No Trazodone would not appear as cocaine in a hair follicle test.

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