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You should always consult your doctor regarding such questions (they should have sent you home with a post-operative care checklist or something similar). Since shaving is optional, and primarily a cosmetic concern, why not wait until the area is fully healed? That way you will avoid exposing the area to any irritating chemicals or mechanical stimulation. That being said, the final word should always be from your physician.

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Q: Had cryosurgery on my face should you avoid shaving until areas are healed?
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Should you shave everywhere?

In my opinion yes. Smooth skin is very attractive especially during sex. Try waxing also to avoid shaving rash in tender areas.

What happens when you shave a dry leg?

When shaving a dry leg you are just making it more dry and uncomfortable. You will most likely bleed or get very irritating razor bumps on your shins, knees, and ankles. Before shaving a dry leg you should use moisturizing lotion and let it sit for a few minutes, this will cure your dry skin before the shaving. When actually shaving be careful and look for thin-skinned areas (make sure to shave extra cautiously here!). To shave you should use moisturizing cream or gel and wash THOROUGHLY before attempting to do anything after. When your shaving process is done you will have nice smooth legs but make the smoothness definite use baby oil to sooth your once dry skin.

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Only if there are gaps in the outline, or any areas that did not shade as required. Even great artists cannot predict the tattoos lines once healed. Once completely healed check it yourself and any decent tattoo artist should be happy to touch up a tattoo that has any imperfections. Just be reasonable but happy with your tattoo.

Need of saving cream?

When shaving legs there is no need to use it, some people use soap, some don't use anything just water. It can help you make sure you shave all areas but is optional. For your face, shaving cream is recommended.

When shaving the face and pubic region should you shave with or against the direction of growth?

You want to shave with the grain/direction of growth. For a closer shave you can go against if you know the areas on yourself well enough because they can become irritated, bumpy, and itchy after this.

What shaving products do Braun produce?

Braun produces the following types of shaving products: Series 1 , Clean renew system, mobile shave, series 3 shower shaver, series 5 - for problem areas, series 7 - very through shaver.

Do Turkish women shave their pussy's?

i'm a Turkish woman. No. not shaving actually. Most of Turkish women wax. İ'm waxing my bikini areas since İ was 15.

Will shaving your head help or hurt?

yes why not Shaving is a personal and private matter; however, choices as to procedures for shaving, areas for shaving and whether one is of the male or female persuasion vary from culture to culture. Most importantly, ask yourself what you and, secondly, what your partner are comfortable with in the decisions for shaving. (In addition, shaving is beneficial for eliminating body odor. Some swimmers shave to improve performance for swimming. Others shave to satisfy perception of ones self. Some choose procedures to satisfy one's partner and, hopefully, themselves while some decisions are simply cultural.)

Why is Hitler's mustache square?

He Ran Out Of Shaving Cream or His mother had a special disease and it affected Hitler's genes to his lip and it wouldn't let certain areas of hair grow, so that's why its square

Do models shave their bikini areas?

Generally, they do remove hair from that area, but not by shaving. Many models have regular waxing to allow them to model many different styles while keeping a smooth appearance.

Is wet shave better when first starting or an electric razor?

skin sensitivity should be the biggest question you ask yourself when deciding between the two, wet shaving comes with a great deal of products more so than the electric razor , and that it can help clean and nourish the skin a large deal when compared to traditional electric razor. Electric razor, depending on the model tend to cut the hair in a way that can cause irregular hair growth, and most time for people who get irritation from electric razor they develop what is known as ingrown hairs, which can leave bumps on the areas shaved. Electric razor is more convenient for it is fast and requires no heavy skill set to use and manage, and for the fact that it does not require the purchase of shaving treatments like wet shaving but for skin benefits, wet shaving will always triumph, if you have little hair growth wet shaving might be a unnecessary expenditure of time, but if you have a traditional amount of beard growth or more than usual taking time with wet shaving can prove to be the best treatment for your skin and hair maintenance.

what is Best Bald Head Shaving Cream For Guys Who Shave Their Heads?

Shaving is just not about dragging the blade on your head skin. Shaving is for many guys, a daily habit that they do to be happy in daily life. However, shaving on a bald head is major artistry, and it is crucial to understand that how to go about it or do it correctly and satisfactorily. It is just not about putting foam and taking the blade over it. Doing it incorrectly may result in exasperation, vexation, and pain. If you are looking for the best shaving cream for the head then you must order the product from Hed Skin Care. Head shaving cream from Hed Skin Care in the market as it primarily focuses on providing resistance to the dust maintaining the cleanliness of your head skin naturally. In case if you go for the whole package you get to use all the products and you get an instant result, however for an individual product, you may get the results in some times. With Hed shaving cream, for cleaning and providing nourishment to your head skin along with a moisturizer, help in keeping the head skin healthy and moisturized.  The Bald Head Cream is made with natural ingredients like JOJOBA OIL, AVOCADO OIL, and SHEA BUTTER, which is rich in enzymes and has been proven as a useful product for shaving. The shaving cream provides enough moisture will help in opening the tiny pores of your facial skin and helps in making the hair or beards soften and help you to shave them easily. The first and the foremost thing that you should be looking at, whether you are using a straight razor or a safety blade, head shaving cream. To shave satisfactorily, you should go with lighter and smaller dragging when you have soft shaving cream. Never go for longer drags right from your ear to the other ears. You need to be patient while shaving your head to avoid any injuries. It is advised to go with one or two inches of dragging at the max in one go. And not to forget to rinse or to wash or clean the blade between each time you drag. Also, make sure to shave the region around your head only with exclusive shaving cream as it is the most delicate and sensitive area than the rest of the areas. The extra time will allow the area to be more softening the hair in that region.