

Best Answer

1. Laser hair removel.

2. Electrolysis.

3. Waxing (not permanent, but lasts longer).

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Q: Hair ALL over body how to get rid of it for longer than shaving gets rid of it?
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What causes human body hair turn grey?

because when a person gets old and no longer can get a hard on! its gets a man so angry and stressed that the hair turns grey!

What gets longer once you cut it?


Is cat hair bad for your system?

Yes cause when cat hair gets in your body your body system breaks down and your body gets out of control and you start to choke on it and get hair balls

Is plucking a hair on underarms good?

plucking your underarm hairs is not necesarily good or bad but it is a much better way to not have them grow back so fast since your plucking them out. unlike shaving, plucking them gets the whole hair including the root which takes it longer to grow back. and this also goes for the leg hair as well.

Does nair disappear leg and or arm hair forever?

No. Nair gets rid of the hair that's already on the area you use it, so it only lasts until new hair grows back. This is only gets rid of hair for a couple of days, just as long as shaving would.

How long does it take for a guniea pig to have all of its hair?

when they are born they have all there hair and as they get older there hair gets longer

Could there be a medical reason for a child's naturally curly hair to go straight?

Doubt it. The longer hair gets, the straighter it gets. They're probably just straightening their hair... :D

Do cats whiskers grow longer if they get fatter?

No more than human hair gets longer if the person gets fatter. Whisker growth is not determined by how fat the cat may be.

Who gets hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a cosmetic procedure performed on men and occasionally on women who have significant hair loss, thinning hair, or bald spots where hair no longer grows.

Why does hair colour change as you get older?

The body produce a substance called melanin which makes your skin and hair darker. As your body ages, the amount of melanin in the hair decreases and the hair gets lighter.

Does leg hair stop growing?

I think it gets to a certain point where it does. If it didn't, then it would be like the hair on our head..which would be very odd. Yes, if you stop shaving or cutting it, it will, once reached their individual given length :)-

Does hair naturally straighten out as it gets longer?

It could be, but not necessarily,you have to keep combing your hair,after washing your hair comb it,or after washing your hair with hot water put towel on it,it will be straighten.