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Q: Hair color is determined by the melanin that is produced at the base of the?
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Is hair color determined by the amount of keratin produced?

No, hair color is determined by the amount of melanin produced.

How does hair get its color?

From the genes from your parents.The colour of your hair is determined by your genes. The colour is made of melanin. It is the pigment that is also responsible for the colour of your skin and is produced in the hair follicle.The amount of melanin and red somethings determine the color of your hair. if you have no melanin in your hair, it would be white. the reproduction of melanin slows as you age, which is why old people have grey hair. Same goes for skin, which is why albinos are completely white.

What hair color is not produced by melanin?

White, albino for ex.

What gives skin and hair their coloring?

Melanin is the color pigment that is produced in the skin and hair and it gives them their color.

What is the source of pigment in hair?

Melanin is the source that determines the pigment in your hair. Usually, melanin is a hereditary trait. For example, if both of your parents have darker hair, then you were also probably born with darker hair as well.

What cause hair color?

Hair is simply old proteins (mainly) and the color of hair is determined by our genetic makeup and composition of those proteins, although that is not firmly determined. It is believed to be controlled by melanin, particularly eumalanin and phenomelanin.

Why do some people have different colored hair?

Hair color is determined by the amount of melanin in your hair follicles. The more of it you have, the darker your hair will be. It is usually related to skin color as well but not always. The amount of melanin can also very over time, making a persons hair change.

Is melanin produce in the cuticle of the hair?

Is Melanin produced in the cuticle of the hair True Or False

Were does hair get its color from?


What determines hair color?

Melanin determines your hair color.

How is melanin produced and what is its function?

Melanin is a substance that is present in skin, hair, feathers, eyes, and scales of animals and humans that give these features their natural color. Melanin is produced as a metabolic process which occurs in amino acids in the body. Cells responsible for producing melanin are called melanocytes.

What inluences hair color?
