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When magma has solidified in a volcanoes vent it is known as a volcanic plug. In some cases when there is a plug present in a stratovolcano, it can lead to very large explosive eruptions as pressure builds within the volcano.

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known as a volcanic neck or volcanic plug. It forms when magma solidifies inside a volcano's pipe and is exposed after the surrounding softer rock is eroded by weathering and other processes.

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Q: Hardened magma in a volcanoes pipe remaining after softer rock around it has eroded away is a?
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Hardened magma in a volcanos pipe remaining after softer rock around around it has eroded away is a?

When magma has solidified in a volcanoes vent it is known as a volcanic plug. In some cases when there is a plug present in a stratovolcano, it can lead to very large explosive eruptions as pressure builds within the volcano.

How many volcanoes in New England?

There are currently no active volcanoes in New England. The region's geologic activity is largely characterized by old, extinct volcanoes and much of the volcanic activity that shaped the area occurred hundreds of millions of years ago.

Are there any volcanoes in South Dakota?

No, there are no active volcanoes in South Dakota. The state has no history of volcanic activity.

What the different shape between an active and in active of volcano?

An active volcano is currently erupting or showing signs of erupting in the near future while an inactive volcano has not erupted in a long time and is not expected to erupt again. Active volcanoes may have a conical shape with a crater at the summit, while inactive volcanoes may appear more eroded with a flattened or domed shape.

Types of volcanoes?

There are three main types of volcanoes: shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes (or composite volcanoes), and cinder cone volcanoes. Shield volcanoes have gentle slopes and are usually built from low viscosity lava flows. Stratovolcanoes are steeper and consist of alternating layers of lava flows and ash deposits. Cinder cone volcanoes have steep sides and are built from pyroclastic material.

Related questions

Hardened magma in a volcanos pipe remaining after softer rock around around it has eroded away is a?

When magma has solidified in a volcanoes vent it is known as a volcanic plug. In some cases when there is a plug present in a stratovolcano, it can lead to very large explosive eruptions as pressure builds within the volcano.

How are landforms affected by weather?

they can be eroded by wind and rain and hardened by heat.

What is the term for eroded underwater volcanoes?

Such formations are called seamounts.

Do volcanoes have babay volcanoes?

Volvanoes do not have baby volcanoes. They simply leave behind the neck of the volcano when it gets weathered or eroded. That's just a not smart question. Sheesh, listen in science class!

What volcanoes are in Wyoming?

Yes. The Devils Tower is the core of a volcano that has become dormant, And the land around the core eroded away with time. And then there's the Super Volcano under Yellowstone National Park.

How was the balancing rock in Queensland formed?

The rocks are formed due to the erosional activity of air. The hard part remaining are the balancing rocks and the soft sediments around the rocks got eroded by the wind.

How does earhquakes and volcanoes change the earth?

Well, earthquakes can cause erosion of rocks, such as maybe large chunks of a mountain being eroded away after an earthquake. And volcanoes can form new land masses, such as islands. Hope this helps!

Finding magma rocks?

Near active or extinct volcanoes, eroded mountains, or rift zones. Can also have been transported to other areas by ice or water.

How many volcanoes in New England?

There are currently no active volcanoes in New England. The region's geologic activity is largely characterized by old, extinct volcanoes and much of the volcanic activity that shaped the area occurred hundreds of millions of years ago.

Where was the eroded material from the Canadian Shield deposited and what did this material become?

The eroded particles may be carried by water, wind or ice to other locations like the lowland regions or into the ocean and lakes.The eroded materials build up and under their own pressure gradually become hardened into sedimentary rock.

Are there any volcanoes in South Dakota?

No, there are no active volcanoes in South Dakota. The state has no history of volcanic activity.

Do long chains of volcanoes tend to be near New Hampshire?

Yes, at least partially so. There are actually a series of ancient volcanoes located in New Hampshire that date back to the Devonian time period. Over time most of these volcanoes eroded away, however a few still exist such as Mount Pawtuckaway and the Ossipee Mountains.