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Hi im 11 weeks and 2 days pregnant with my 2nd child and im very anxious as I have my dating scan next week and feel as if it isn't going to be good news.

I have had the odd day of sickness and my belly has grown firmer and rounder but im scared. I have been hearing stories of babies dying and only finding out at the scan im just so scared :( Im trying to be positive but I cant shake this feeling...

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Q: Hardly any pregnancy symptoms does this mean your baby has died?
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the best thing for u to do is to have an ultrasound done... but every pregnancy is different some woman have the full out morning sickness, tinderbreast, pregnancy symptoms... while other woman like myself didn't have one symptom and didn't even feel my baby move until the daybefore i gave birth... goodluck

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Are you trying to ask: What symptoms do you feel when baby died inside the belly? Perhaps it is: What symptoms should I feel when the baby dies inside my stomach? A "spell-check" utility button is available toward the bottom of the is simple to use and will improve your vocabulary, not only now but when you're writing whenever you're writing.

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