

Harold godwinson and Harold hardrada fought at?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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stamford bridge

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Q: Harold godwinson and Harold hardrada fought at?
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What connections are there between Harald Hardrada and Harold Godwinson?

They fought before the battle of Hastings on a bridge in London. Harold Godwinson won

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Harold Hardrada was the youngest

What did Harold hardrada do when Harold godwinson took over the throne?

Hardrada invaded England, but was defeated by Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

Who supported Harold hardrada to be king?

Tostig Godwinson (Harold Godwinson's brother) supported Hardrada because Tostig turned on his brother.Adeela

Did Harold godwinston die before Harold harada?

Harold Godwinson's forces killed Harold Hardrada at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, so Hardrada died before Harold Godwinson.

Which men fought in the Battle of Hastings?

erm... i think it was harald hardrada, harold godwinson and william of normandy... i think

How are Harald Hardrada and Harold Godwinson connected in life?

They are connected because Harold Godwinson was supported by Harald Hardrada. So I wouldn't actually say that they were related.

How many battles were there in 1066?

There were 2 battles in 1066. First, Harold Godwinson fought Harald Hadraada at Stamford Bridge. After winning, Harold Godwinson fought William of Normandy in the battle of Hastings. This time, Harold lost, and was killed when he was shot in the eye by an arrow.

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Harold hardrada and Harold godwinson

Why should you vote for Harold hardrada?

why wouldnt harold godwinson be a good king

Where did harald hardrada land in England?

York. North West England. He then fought Harold Godwinson at nearby Stamford Bridge. KnowItAllGinga

Who killed King Harold any why?

Harold hardrada was killed by Harold Godwinson in the battle of hastings