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No, Cleopatra's body has never been discovered. However, the mummified body of Cleopatra II resides in the British Museum.

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Q: Has Cleopatra VII's body been found?
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What date was cleopatra's body found?

Cleopatra's body has never been found.

Is Cleopatra body found?

No, not yet.

How was Cleopatra's body preserved?

We don't know for certain, as her tomb has not been found. It can be assumed that because she followed the Egyptian customs, her body was mummified, but this is only an assumption, not a fact.

What happened to Cleopatra's body?

Cleopatra was buried in a tomb with her lover, Antony. It was located somewhere near Alexandria, Egypt, but it has never been rediscovered.

Where was queen Cleopatra's body found?

They have not found Cleopatra's body. However the search for her tomb is being carried out at this time.

Did they ever found where Cleopatra and mark Antony were buried at?

No Cleopatras body was NEVER found and hasn't been found yet I don't they have found Marc's either because supposly they were buried together and they might be found one day but maybe not.

How was Cleopatra preserved?

We don't know for certain, as her tomb has not been found. It can be assumed that because she followed the Egyptian customs, her body was mummified, but this is only an assumption, not a fact.

What was Cleopatra VII body type?

We won't know her body type until her mummy is found and analyzed. All the "full length" images we have of Cleopatra are stylized in the Egyptian way of depicting.

Was Amelia's Earhart body found?

Her body has never been found.

How was Cleopatra buried?

Cleopatra's burial remains a mystery as there is no definitive account of how she was laid to rest. According to ancient sources, Cleopatra's body was taken to a tomb alongside her lover, Mark Antony, in Alexandria, Egypt, but the tomb's exact location is unknown. The tomb has never been found, and Cleopatra's final resting place remains a subject of intrigue and speculation.

Where is Queen Cleopatra body at?

No one really knows where she's at, her tomb has not been found. Before the recent troubles in Egypt, there were two active searches being conducted to find it, but everything is on hold right now.

What year they find Cleopatra body in?

I'll like to know myself....maybe in the early 2000s or late 90s or never. The truth is, they have not found Cleopatra's body. The Egyptian Department of Antiquities is actively searching for it at the present time, but so far no hints of any solid results.