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The television series of the same name aired on Disney Channel during the early 1990s, and aired as reruns on Toon Disney until it was defunct. However, I'm not sure if the actual movie was broadcasted on Disney Channel.

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Q: Has Disney's The Little Mermaid aired on television before?
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Yes and no. Power Rangers originated in Japan as Super Sentai in the 1970's. So if you are refurring to the 1989 Disney version of The Little Mermaid, your answer is yes. But the fairy tale of the little mermaid is over a century old..

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It depends what you are talking about. If you are talking about paintings, they date back hundreds of years ago. If you are talking about cartoons, Disney probably came up with one way before the little mermaid. But the little mermaid is most famous.

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No. Mermaids are not real and people can't turn into mermaids. Water and the moon will not turn you into a mermaid. Spells will not either. People can not change into creatures. It is all make believe and the TV show is just that a TV show. The actors are in costume and not mermaids.

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that's really sweet, maybe in the background or before you propose you could play "under the sea" the most famous song from the little mermaid, you could maybe even propose to her on the beach :] good luck -Kirsty

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How old do you have to be before you become a mermaid?

There is no age for becoming a mermaid because it is impossible to become one. Mermaids do not exist.

What was called a mermaid back before?

a type of mammal

Can a girl transform into a mermaid?

Last Answer: No. Humans can not change shape or become something else like mermaids. Mermaids are not real and only are alive in books, games, art, and TV shows. People can not become mermaids. My Answer: Obviously, this person doesn't have any imagination. Of course, he is partly right. BUT. There is such a thing as making a mermaid tail out of swimming suit material. if you look up "how to make a mermaid tail" on youtube (without the quotations, of course) and click on the one that says "How to make a mermaid tail" by Burnouthappy (who introduces herself in the video as Sasha), she'll tell you how to make a mermaid tail out of dancing/swimming suit material. it's pretty close to transforming into a mermaid, right? I would recommend learning how to swim before you make your tail, though. it's sort of dangerous, because your legs are tied together, and you can only move them by swimming the dolphin swim. have fun!