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No actual hurricanes have hit the U.S. west coast, though hurricane remnants have. This is because of cold ocean currents in the region. Hurricanes require warm water to maintain their strength and will degenerate over cold water.

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Q: Has a hurricane occurred on the west coast if not why?
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Was there a hurricane Jennifer?

Yes there was a Hurricane Jennifer, it was a category 1 hurricane on the west coast of Mexico.

What term is used for hurricane in the west coast of Mexico?

Such as storm is still called a hurricane.

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Not currently, there was a hurricane named Hurricane Felicia, which produced winds up to 140 mph off the west coast August 5, 2009.

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The hurricanes of 1999 in North Carolina were some of the deadliest on record. Hurricane Dennis made landfall as a tropical storm, but then produced hurricane-like conditions as it moved along the North Carolina coast. Most of these deadly hurricanes occurred after the hurricane season was over.

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Yes, there was. Hurricane Donna formed on 29th August 1960, and dissipated on 14th September. It began its life off the west coast of Africa, and headed across the ocean towards the coast of florida.

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Hurricane Irene originate off the coast of Africa a a tropical wave that organized into a tropical storm about 200 miles west of the Lesser Antilles.

Can you surf on the East Coast?

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When did hurricane Julia hit?

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Has there been a hurricane Jennifer?

Yes. It was a category 1 hurricane on the west coast of Mexico starting on Oct. 9, 1969 and ending on Oct. 12, 1969 with a maximum wind speed of 75mph

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