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I believe they discovered a planet a couple of years ago, that they named Krypton, but i believe it has been downgraded since then to a dwarf planet or an asteriod. And I don't think it could sustain life. So no superman coming from that planet!

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Q: Has any new planets been discovered if so can they sustain life?
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No life has been discovered on other planets yet. However, given the huge amount of planets in the Universe, and the fact that hardly any planet has been thoroughly investigated, it's quite possible that life does exist.

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Seeing as there are 344 discovered planets, and Earth is the only one with life, there is a 1/344 probability so far. the more planets discovered without life, the less the chances are that there could be life on them

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So far, earth is the only planet known to support life, but many scientists thing that life probably exists on other planets.

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In theory, it is possible. If the planet has the correct atmosphere and resources to sustain life. No planets so far have been discovered with grass other than Earth. However, recent explorations have revealed that a distant planet, called "Kepler 22b" seems to be perfect for sustaining life and seems to look very similar to Earth. See the related links below for more information.

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