

Has anyone been to other planets?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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Man has never been to any other planets. We have, however, been to the moon.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Its possible nobody knows what alliens look like

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12y ago

yes because there is afrstman go to the moon

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16y ago

No; not that we are aware of, anyway...

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Since no one from Earth has visited another planet, and we have no indication that there is anyone on the other planets, Earth does not help other planets in any way. Why do you think there is something Earth does to help them- whoever them is.

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Are there any other planets other than the eight major planets of our solar system?

Over 900 planets have been discovered orbiting other stars. These are called exoplanets.

Have humans been to Mercury?

no. no humans have ever been to any of the other planets.

Is our sun the only star that has planets orbiting around it?

No. Other stars have been found to have planets orbiting them.

What are scientist doing to listen for signs of life on other planets?

Scientists are using radio telescopes to listen for potential alien signals in the form of radio waves. They are also analyzing the atmospheres of exoplanets for chemical signatures that could indicate the presence of life, such as the presence of oxygen or methane. Additionally, scientists are studying the habitability of exoplanets by looking for conditions that are conducive to life as we know it.

How many planets are that there are named?

There are eight planets in our solar system that are officially named: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There are also other celestial bodies that are sometimes classified as dwarf planets, such as Pluto and Eris.

What pieces of other planets have been found on earth?


Has there been any other signs of oxygen on the other planets other than earth?

no but there has been signs of frozen water on Pluto

How has man been able to learn more about other planets in your solar system?

Astronomers has been going to some of the planets. The advanced telescope can observe the planets more closely. and the satellites has been agthering pictures and datat from the space.