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Q: What pieces of other planets have been found on earth?
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Is there life on other planets is there any similar to earth?

Astronomers have found Earth-sized planets in other solar systems.

Is there other life forms on other planets?

Earth's scientist have not found life on other planets to date.

Are there other living things on the planets?

Other than the Earth, no life has been found on any of the other planets. We are still searching.

Why did people think that Copernicus was wrong?

Everyone thought that the sun orbits the Earth and all other planets but Copernicus studied the ski carefully. He found out that the Earth and all other Planets orbits the sun and the earth is not the centre of the universe. The sun is.

Is there life on the planet Saturn?

Till today, there have been no reports of life found on other planets other than Earth.

Why does earth have gravity and other planets don't?

The other planets do have gravity.

Where are ExtraSolar planets found?

Extrasolar planets are planets found orbiting stars other then our own.

Why does earth help other planets?

Since no one from Earth has visited another planet, and we have no indication that there is anyone on the other planets, Earth does not help other planets in any way. Why do you think there is something Earth does to help them- whoever them is.

Is cobalt on other planets?

Yes, cobalt is a naturally occurring element and can be found on other planets in our solar system, such as Mars and Mercury. It is even detected in meteorites that have fallen to Earth, suggesting its presence in other parts of the universe as well.

Where is the ecliptic of the Earth?

The Ecliptic is the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun. Other planets are also found more or less on the same plane.

What are Earth and the other planets closest to the sun are made mostly?

Earth and the other planets are mostly made of rock.

Would a day on earth be the same as on other planets?

No, other planets are rotating at other speeds.