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Yes, there are many people who have died of insanity. Insanity usually make people deeply stressed or depressed which has led to some of them committing suicide.

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Q: Has anyone died doing insanity
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Is insanity better than p90x?

They are not the sane level as much as they completely focus on. Believe me, after doing Insanity, the p90X workout will seem easy. As for the push-ups they are difficult in Insanity because they are part of the intense cardio. Things aren't done in sets as in P90X; everything comes much more rapidly during Insanity. There are not really more push-ups but imagine doing push-ups as part of the routine in P90X. And P90X is the reason I was able to do Insanity at all! I recommend doing the Insanity workout at least once, even if just to say you did it.

Does anyone know if the insanity workout program is any good?

Ask a personal trainer about the effectiveness of the Insanity Workout program. The local gym may also be able to tell you about the effectiveness of the Insanity Workout Program.

What did Albert Einstein say about the definition of insanity?

He tells us that the definition of insanity for him is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results from it.

Are sociopathy and insanity mutually exclusive?

No. A sociopath is just as likely to develop most psychological illnesses as is anyone else, including Schizophrenia (which may be what you are talking about when you say "insanity").

What is the sign of a crazy person?

It is not appropriate to label someone as "crazy." If you are concerned about someone's mental health, it is important to approach the situation with care and empathy and encourage them to seek professional help.

How does the legal concept of Insanity differ from psychiatric explanations of mental illness?

The legal insanity will look at if the person was aware of what they were doing in the crime. Mental illness can encompass many other issues outside of committing a crime.

When did Albert Einstein say Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?


Who said hate to advocate drugs alcohol violence or insanity to anyone but they've always worked?

Hunter S. Thompson

ASK who quoted to repeat mistake more than once is insanity?

The great physicist Albert Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.'

Does anyone know of a 2011 year-long fitness challenge?

If i was you, I would do a program called insanity its from 2010 but works you very well, i do it, its a 60 day program but you can do it for longer, look up Insanity or Shawn Tee good luck :)

Who first said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results?


How do you use insanity in a sentence?

it was a mark of insanity