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yes i have one ..but dont know anything more about them,mine is in poor condition but works

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Q: Has anyone heard of a 410 belgium made shaco freres?
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Why don't you play shaco anymore in league of legends?

Lots of people still play Shaco. Personally, he's in my Top 10 favourite champions list. Sure, people have stopped playing him as much after the JITB nerf, and AP isn't as good anymore, you can still jungle really nicely, even if there is an enemy jungler. Even if the traps are nerfed and AP shaco isn't played as much, Shaco won't be forgotten. People always buy a champ, play like there's no tomorrow, then completely forget about it. But usually, after a few weeks, they get bored and start to want to play the champ again. When I bought Xin Zhao, I played like 9 games straight with him. It was awesome. Then I got bored and completely abandoned him. But later, I cameback and found out I was still good at him. Cheerio, The Big 100k

Is there anything demonic in league of legends?

No other than shaco and his backstory about him being the "Demon Jester" there is nothing demonic in league of legends, other than that there are "Evil characters" such as Elise, Zed, etc.

What is a good build for Shaco?

Shaco The Demon JesterStart itemsHealth Potion x5Hunter's MacheteCore itemsStatikk ShivBlade of the Ruined KingBoots of MobilityEndgame itemsLast WhisperGuardian AngelInfinity EdgeBuild 2Start itemsHealth Potion x5Hunter's MacheteFirst backBrawler's GlovesSight WardBoots of SpeedSecond backSight WardBoots of MobilityZealCore itemsPhantom DancerStatikk ShivEndgame itemsThe BloodthirsterBlade of the Ruined KingInfinity EdgeFinal Builld ExpampleBoots of MobilityStatikk ShivPhantom DancerThe BloodthirsterInfinity EdgeBlade of the Ruined KingGanking in General_______ Shaco has by far one of the most potent level three games of all champions in League of Legends. His Deceive provides him a "gap-closer" to close the distance between him and his opponent. His Two-Shiv Poison provides a passive slow, and a strong nuke to finish off a target at low health. His Jack In The Box can be placed behind the enemy to get not only a fear, but a hefty amount of damage as well._______ Shaco's Deceive provides you with a variety of places to gank from whether you want to run down the lane, or jump over the wraiths wall. This makes it very hard for opponents to ward for you; however, you should always make your best effort to Deceive in a place that typically isn't warded._______As Shaco there is a particular combination of abilities that you need to get used to. The ganking combination is...Deceive + Jack In The Box + Auto Attack(s) + Two-Shiv PoisonDeceive: Use this to get behind your opponent, and in the way of their typical escape path.Jack In The Box: This is what can make or break a gank. You should try to place this in the enemy's escape route. The damage that this ability provides in the early level is significant and triggering it can ensure early kills. Typically, people will have to Flash if you place a Jack In The Box correctly.Auto-Attack: Pretty straight-forward. You should do this for damage obviously, and to trigger the critical strike from Deceive. Keep in mind your passive, Backstab, when auto-attacking opponents.Two-Shiv Poison: One of the things that many people mess up with Shaco. You should not use this for up-front damage. This is your only ranged damage ability. It is best used to finish off a low health enemy, or at least force them out of lane. If you want strong finishing power you can combine Ignite and Two-Shiv Poison.Counter-Ganking_______ Shaco is a very powerful ganker, and counter-ganker especially with coordinated teammates. If your mid-laner is getting ganked and you run in through the river, and your mid-laner runs to you for help you can typically get off a free Jack In The Box + Hallucinate without losing any distance from cast times. In a scenario like such, the typical ganking combo is similar, but you should try to use your Jack In The Box as more of a trap._______However, the above circumstance isn't as common as your mid-laner running for their life. So, in this case you should try to take this as a gank and prioritize the squishier target > the more damaging target > or the target with the most buffs (lizard, golem)._______As any jungler you also need to realize when not to fight a counter-gank. It is okay to show your face to ensure they do not dive a teammate, but you need to realize when you and your teammate cannot take on your opponents.

What runes should you buy for Shaco in League of Legends?

The type of runes you can use on Shaco vary based on if you're building items with Ability Power (AP) or Attack Damage (AD) or if you'll be using him in a lane or in the jungle.For AP Shaco, you will want Flat Magic Penetration Markswithout a doubt. As for Seals, you might want to get Flat APor Flat Armor. If you have trouble conserving your mana, Flat Mana Regen Seals will work. For Glyphs, consider Flat AP or AP Per Level runes. In general, flat AP runes (ones that simply give a base amount of AP) will provide much better early game damage will Per Level runes help out later in a match. Flat AP Quintessence runes will give you a lot more damage early game.AD Shaco can use Flat Armor Penetration or Flat AD Marks. Armor Penetration is better late game and flat AD helps you deal more damage early on (and makes last hitting creeps easier). For Seals get Flat Armor or Flat Critical Damage runes. Armor helps you survive while increased Critical Damage will further boost the damage of your next auto-attack after using Deceive. Flat Attack Speed (AS) or Magic Resist (MR) Per Level Glyphs are two good options. AS will increase your damage output, but additional MR will help you survive some spells later in the game when AP champions deal the most damage. Last, but not least, grab Flat Armor Penetration or Flat AD Quintessences for the same reasons as above.If you plan on jungling with Shaco, most people build him AD and somewhat follow the runes for AD Shaco above. But personal preferences and your choice in masteries can result in a wide range of rune types; sometimes a mix of different choices! For the sake of an example, you could use Flat Armor Penetration Marks, Flat Armor Seals, AS Glyphs, and Flat AD Quintessences.

What does the champion's bundle in league of legends contain?

The champion's bundle contains the following champions and currently costs 3410 RP: Master Yi Sion Soraka Nunu Ashe Jax Singed Twitch Karthus Anivia Shaco Dr. Mundo Kassadin Twisted Fate Gangplank Corki Taric Blitzcrank Katarina Heimerdinger You can look at this yourself by clicking on the bundle in the riot store in game (don't worry, you won't buy it; you buy it by clicking on the unlock button that appears afterwards).

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I'm not sure who Veigar voice actor is. There is the list i know Ahri -|- Laura Post Akali -|- Laura Bailey Alistar -|- Harlan Hogan Amumu -|- Cristina Ulloa Anivia -|- Annie -|- Cristina Ulloa Ashe -|- Melissa Hutchison Blitzcrank -|- Brand -|- Caitlyn -|- Cassiopeia -|- Karen Strassman Cho'Gath -|- Corki -|- Darius -|- Dr. Mundo -|- J.S. Gilbert Draven -|- Erik Braa Evelynn -|- Ezreal -|- Kyle Hebert Fiddlesticks -|- Fiora -|- Fizz -|- Galio -|- David Lodge Gangplank -|- Dennis Collins Johnson Garen -|- Jamieson Price Gragas -|- J.S. Gilbert Graves -|- Kyle Hebert Hecarim -|- Heimerdinger -|- Dennis Collins Johnson Irelia -|- Janna -|- Erin Fitzgerald Jarvan IV -|- Kyle Hebert Jax -|- Erik Braa Jayce -|- Karma -|- Danielle McRae Karthus -|- Adam Harrington Kassadin -|- Adam Harrington Katarina -|- Tara Platt Kayle -|- Kennen -|- Kog'Maw -|- LeBlanc -|- Lee Sin -|- David Wenham Leona -|- Wendee Lee Lulu -|- Faye Mata Lux -|- Malphite -|- Malzahar -|- Vic Mignogna Maokai -|- Master Yi -|- Miss Fortune -|- Mordekaiser -|- Adam Harrington Morgana -|- Barbara Kaluzna Nasus -|- Eugene McDanciels Nautilus -|- Nidalee -|- Nocturne -|- Jason Wishnov Nunu -|- Cristina Ulloa Olaf -|- Orianna -|- Heather Pennington Pantheon -|- Poppy -|- Barbara Kaluzna Rammus -|- Renekton -|- Riven -|- Cristina Valenzuela Rumble -|- Richard Steven Horvitz Ryze -|- Adam Harrington Sejuani -|- Shaco -|- Adam Harrington Shen -|- Keith Silverstein Shyvana -|- Karen Strassman Singed -|- Sion -|- J.S. Gilbert Sivir -|- Barbara Kaluzna Skarner -|- David Lodge Sona -|- Erin Fitzgerald Soraka -|- Swain -|- Talon -|- Travis Willingham Taric -|- Dennis Collins Johnson Teemo -|- Tristana -|- Trundle -|- Tryndamere -|- Brian Sommer Twisted Fate -|- Twitch -|- Udyr -|- Urgot -|- Varus -|- Michael Bell Vayne -|- Veigar -|- Viktor -|- Owen Thomas Vladimir -|- Kevin M. Connolly Volibear -|- Warwick -|- Brian Sommer Wukong -|- Xerath -|- Michael McConnohie Xin Zhao -|- Michael Bell Yorick -|- Ziggs -|- Zilean -|-