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my obgyn told me that he had patients whose mirena's fell out. It is then possible to get pregnant.

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Q: Has anyone known anyone to get pregnant while having the Mirena for 1 plus years?
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There are no known drug interactions between Tramadol and Mirena.

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There are no known drug interactions between amoxil and Mirena.

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There are no known drug interactions between Prevpac and Mirena.

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There are no known drug interactions between Adderall and Mirena.

How do you know when mirena IUD stops working?

Most women start menstruating within a couple weeks of the IUD removal.

Do prolonged use of Mirena lead to future problems?

There are no known future problems related to prolonged use of Mirena. Use of Mirena for avoiding pregnancy in women not wanting to have a child at that time is a healthful practice. Use of hormonal methods such as Mirena also reduces the risk of cancer of the uterine lining.

Do antibiotics affect mirena?

I'm pretty sure they do not. I used to have Mirena earlier this year, and I was told that after it was inserted, I could completely forget about it until the 5th year, which is when it should be removed.No, antibiotics DO NOT affect Mirena.

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Can you get pregnant after having the clamps put on my tubes?

While you shouldn't be able to, it as been known to happen.

Does monistat affect mirena?

No. Not mirena but other birth controls with estrogen yes. St. John's Wart will process the estrogen from the birth control faster causing a menopausal reaction that may cause pregnancy. The mirena is esteogen free and uses only the hormones progestin and levonorgestrel. There is no evidence so far that St. John's wart has a negative effect on the mirena. Mirena also creates an atmosphere within your uterus to avoid pregnancy. You should read more on their website concerning how it works.