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The universe is an astonishingly huge place; we've seen a tiny little piece of our own solar system. (We're still discovering new life forms here on Earth!) We have absolutely no idea what, or who, may be on the other side of the galaxy. Or, for that matter, in the next solar system over.

There may be four TRILLION stars in this galaxy, and a trillion MORE GALAXIES other than our own. If the odds against intelligent life forms are "one in a billion", then there should be one thousand other inhabited worlds in the Milky Way alone. And a thousand more, on average, in every other galaxy of comparable size.

Science tells us essentially nothing about the probability of intelligent space aliens. Science DOES tell us a lot about the difficulty that any such aliens might have in traveling across the void to visit the Earth. Which doesn't make it impossible; just very improbable.

* Aliens, no. No one will ever, because they don't exist * However, The acronym "UFO" stands for UNIDENTIFIED Flying Object. There are plenty of things in the sky that are unidentified, meaning that we don't know what they are. But they're out there!

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Q: Has anyone seen an alien or a UFO for sure?
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yes i saw something round flying in the sky i thort it was a ufo but know it was frisby

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No. A "UFO" is an UNIDENTIFIED Flying Object. That means that you DON'T KNOW what it is.

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No. UFOs are proof that some people have seen things in the sky that they themselves cannot identify. That is what UFO means, not *alien spacecraft*. There has never been the slightest shred of evidence that *any* UFO was an alien spacecraft, so the answer to your question is no.

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OMG! UFO is such an underrated word. It stands for "Unidentified Flying Object." An alien aircraft can be a "Mothership" or just an "Alien Aircraft."

Is alien real?

yes because i follow in and i have seen a ufo before