

Has anyone seen planet x

Updated: 7/5/2023
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12y ago

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Planet X has never been seen - largely because it does not exist.

The term "Planet X" originally referred to a hypothetical planet that lay beyond the orbit of Neptune. Due to what seemed to be irregularities in the orbit of Uranus and Neptune, astronomers, such as Percival Lowell, theorized that yet another large planet must lay even further out, causing the anomaly. The later discovery of Pluto seemed to justify the idea, but it was eventually determined to be too small to affect the gas giants. Data from the Voyager 2 mission finally put the idea of Planet X to rest when it was shown that the seeming anomalies in the orbits were due to astronomers underestimating how large Neptune was.

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Nobody from Earth has ever been to any other planet.

Twelve white American males walked on the moon. The closest that any other planet

can ever get to Earth is about 108 times farther than the distance to the moon.

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12y ago

Yes, everything you need to know about Planet X can be summed up in one sentence:

It doesn't exist.

Okay, let's expand on that a little bit.

Neptune was discovered because astronomers noticed that the orbit of Uranus seemed a little bit "off", as if it were being influenced by the gravity of an unknown object. Mathematicians predicted where this unknown object would have to be in order to cause the observed perturbations in the orbit of Uranus. Astronomers looked there, and found Neptune. Brilliant, everyone was ecstatic, except...

Neptune alone didn't seem to account for the total perturbations in Uranus' orbit. There appeared to be some additional component, working against the effect of Neptune. Mathematicians went back to work, predicted where this new, hypothetical planet ... called "Planet X" ... would have to be, astronomers looked, and found ... well, pretty much nothing, actually. Percival Lowell became obsessed with looking for this planet, and conducted an extensive search himself for several years before he died. About twenty years later, Clyde Tombaugh, working at Lowell's observatory, went back through the photographs, looking for something, and found that Lowell had managed to photograph an unknown moving object without noticing it. This was, Tombaugh thought, undoubtedly "Planet X". It was officially named Pluto and appeared to be another success of mathematical prediction, until...

Pluto just didn't work. Tombaugh thought Pluto was about the same mass as Earth, but the more it was studied, the smaller it appeared to be... not nearly massive enough to explain the distortions in the orbit of Uranus; it just happened to be approximately the right place. Pluto's mass got revised downward to one tenth that of Earth, then one hundredth that of Earth, then one five-hundredth that of Earth, until finally in 2003 the International Astronomical Union finally declared that it was senseless to call Pluto a "planet", and classified it as a "dwarf planet".

So, what was up with the orbit of Uranus? The Voyager 2 probe did a flyby of Neptune, and discovered that its mass was less (by about 0.5%) than had previously been thought. Recalculating the effect of Neptune on Uranus with this new figure showed that Uranus was behaving precisely as expected, and the need for a "Planet X" vanished.

Now, there are some hoaxes out there, spread by people who are stupid, crazy, or just like to cause trouble, about a "Planet X" that will collide with Earth and wreak all sorts of havoc. One example of a typically moronic claim abut this is that "it can only be seen from the south pole" (presumably to explain why amateur astronomers, who routinely discover asteroids and comets and would have no difficulty whatsoever spotting an object which is supposedly in the Solar System and the size of Jupiter, aren't reporting it). Don't believe them; it's not true.

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