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Water is continually moving through the earth's crust and is found at great depths, though not necessarily in liquid form.

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Q: Has anythin ever leaked into the Earth's crust?
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Did the world biggest hole ever drilled by humans reach pass the earths crust?

No, but they did try.

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because it gets hotter as you go in to the earths surface. the six miles is only the crust because the mantle is to hot to in to.

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well dude i dont know if u heard the web called wikipedia but it is the best web ever! this is crazy this web can tell u the hsitory of anythin anythin in deed.isnt my anwser cool.i am a good girl.

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I do not think humans can travel deeper than the crust because, the crust and the mantle is too thick. The crust is 600km and the mantle is 12,900km.

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its called the crust

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No clue... You could ask at, they got a cool section where u can ask anythin about watches...its in spanish though

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No. And if anything has, by now the secret would have leaked out.

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Highest point in relation to what? land elevation? It would be Mount Everest. The highest point on the earths crust, Mount Everest stands at 29,000 ft. It is suggested that because of plate tectonics, Everest is growing by .16 in per year