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Q: Has DC Comics ever sold its character rights like Marvel did?
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Which comic book publisher first brought X-Men to life?

X-men comics have only ever been published by Marvel Comics. The comics were originally created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The first comic was released by Marvel in 1963. Though Marvel sold its film rights of the X-men to 20th Century Fox, it still retains the rights of the comics and cartoons.

Was batman ever an avenger?

No, Batman is a DC Comics character. The Avengers are a team of superheroes in the Marvel Comics universe. Batman has never been a member of the Avengers team.

Has dc or marvel ever owner each other?

No. Marvel Comics and DC Comics have always been separate entities. They have been rivals almost ever since.

Does Marvel Comics ever purchase drawings done by fans?

No. Marvel Comics purchases artwork that it has contracted to have done. Fan submissions will go nowhere.

Will Disney ever regain Marvel film rights?

At the end of 2009 Disney gained all rights to Marvel.

Who is the best marvel character ever?

The Super-Adaptoid .

How much would the first marvel comic be worth now?

The first Marvel comic, "Marvel Comics #1" from 1939, could be worth millions of dollars depending on its condition and rarity. A near-mint copy was sold for over $1 million in recent years.

Was there ever a series or mini series about the character Lockjaw from Marvel?

i dont think so

Will there ever be a Ironman and Transformers joint movie?

Not likely. Ironman is a Marvel character and the Transformers are Hasbro

Who started comics?

Mostly Stan Lee, he pretty much helped create almost every marvel superhero/super villain ever issued.

Who is the Marvel Comics character Apocalypse?

he is a mutant who has been around since ancient Egyptian times. he is obsessed with becoming like a god and making the world serve him like a god. he is allso the most powerful mutant ever to walk the earth no 1 mutant can defeat him

Who owns marvel comics?

Universal Studios owns the rights to the solo Hulk movies. But Marvel and Disney still have the rights to use Bruce Banner / Hulk as a secondary characters in other movies. That's why he was able to appear in The Avengers movies Captain America Civil War and in Thor Ragnarok.