

Has nasa ever went to Saturn if so how?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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yes NASA has gone to Saturn. the way they got there was by sending satilites to the planets and sending pitures of Saturn back here on earth.

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Q: Has nasa ever went to Saturn if so how?
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Your so stupid, it went all around the world and you answer me, find out your self

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According to NASA, Saturn has a volume 763.5 times the volume of the Earth. So, by volume, some 763 and a half Earths could fit into Saturn. (Saturn is the least dense major planet, and has a mass only 95.2 times that of the Earth.)

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To do so would be a lie. The moon landings were not fake.

How does the density of Saturn effect humans?

So far, the density of Saturn has never had the slightest effect whatsoever on any human, since no human has ever been significantly closer to Saturn than you are right now. In terms of the closest that Saturn can ever get to the earth, the farthest from earth that any human being has ever traveled into space is roughly 0.032 percent of that distance.

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Saturn's diameter at its equator is about 74,900 miles(120,540 kilometers).

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Saturn is a gas planet, so it has no surface

Has a satellite ever gone to Saturn?

yes, a satelite has because I saw it in a video from the library and every scientist was so excited because their secrets were revealed from saturn.

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No. The furthest that any human has travelled in space so far has been to the moon.